By Peter Ninnes, Sonia Mehta
ISBN-10: 0415948177
ISBN-13: 9780415948173
The unique essays integrated right here, via up and coming students within the box, illustrate the capability and variety of post-foundational principles as utilized to comparative schooling issues.
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Compare 30 (2000): 353–367. Paulston, Rolland. and Martin Leibman. ” Comparative Education Review 38 2 (1994): 215–232. RT8177_CH01 Page 17 Friday, February 6, 2004 2:05 PM A Meander through the Maze ∑ 17 Peters, Michael. ” In Education and the postmodern condition. Edited by M. Peters. : Bergin and Garvey, 1995. ______________. Naming the Multiple: Poststructuralism and Education. Westport Connecticut: Bergin and Garvey, 1998. ______________. ” Sociological Research Online 4 (1999): 3. Peters, Michael and Colin Lankshear.
Gandhi, Leela. Postcolonial theory: A critical introduction. Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 1998. Ginsburg, Mark et al. ” Comparative Education Review 36 (1992): 417–445. Gutting, Gary. ” The Cambridge companion to Foucault. Edited by G. Gutting. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. Hall, Stuart. 1996. “When was the postcolonial? ” The Post-colonial question. (pp. 242–260). Edited by I. Chambers and L. Curti. London: Routledge, 1996. Hayhoe, Ruth. 2000. ” Comparative Education Review 44 (2000): 423–439. Hoffman, Diane.
Arnove and C. A. Torres. Baltimore: Rowman and Littlefield, 1999. ______________. ” In Discourse Formation in Comparative Education (pp. 189–225) edited by J. Schreiwer. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2000. Welch, Anthony and Burns, Robin. 1992. ” In Contemporary Perspectives in Comparative Education (pp. xi–xlv). Edited by R. Burns and A. Welch. New York: Garland Publishing, 1992. RT8177_CH01 Page 18 Friday, February 6, 2004 2:05 PM 18 ∑ Re-Imagining Comparative Education Wilson, David. “Comparative and International Education: Fraternal or Siamese twins?
Re-Imagining Comparative Education: Postfoundational Ideas and Applications for Critical Times (Reference Books in International Education) by Peter Ninnes, Sonia Mehta
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