By Winston E. Kock
ISBN-10: 0124174507
ISBN-13: 9780124174504
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The construction of the line sources was such that their contribution to the beam position (its horizontal, or azimuth location) could be varied (scanned). This resulted in two almost horizontal planes, one pointed in a higher direction than the other, being continually under observance (by virtue of the horizontal or azimuth scanning process. Whenever a mortar shell, on the upward portion of its trajectory, passed through these two planes, its azimuth position in each was ascertained, and a similar determination was made on the downward portion of its trajectory.
11-22), or the transmission hne itself can be used as the radiator. DELAY LINE a^zoi) ) RADIATORS A X ' / j Fig. 11-22. An end-fire array results when radiators are placed in a row and energized, not in phase, but in such a way that proper phase addition occurs in a given direction. In the illustration, this direction is to the right. Steerable Broadside Arrays 41 RADIATED WAVE F R O N T S - \ \ INPUT WAVEGUIDE - D I E L E CCTT R I C R O D ' Fig. IÍ-23. A tapered dielectric rod, which not only guides electromagnetic energy but also radiates it gradually, constitutes a useful end-fire radiator.
The sharp horizontal beamwidth is imaffected, whereas the circular (cylindrical) wave fronts generated in the vertical plane by the line aperture are, upon reflection from the parabolic cylinder, converted into plane waves. The reflected waves are thus plane in both vertical and horizontal directions. To avoid having the pill box in the central path of the final reflected waves, a variation of this procedure has occasionally been employed, as shown in Fig. 11-11. Here only half of the reflec- 30 II WAVE RADIATORS Fig, II'll.
Radar, Sonar, and Holography. An Introduction by Winston E. Kock
by James