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Beilinson A., Drinfeld V.'s Quantization of Hitchin's integrable system and Hecke PDF

By Beilinson A., Drinfeld V.

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The proof we know is rather long. We first treat the noetherian case and then use the following fact (Deligne, private communication): for any quasi-compact quasi-separated scheme S there exists an affine morphism from S to some scheme of finite type over Z. 7 we use the existence of p : S → S for S = X ⊗ R where X is our curve and R is a C-algebra. So the following result suffices. 6. Proposition. 2 S is a locally closed subscheme of Pn ⊗ R for some ring R. Then there exists p : S → S such that pi = π.

4) and the central extension G(K) acts on π ∗ ωBunG where π is the natural morphism M ∧ → BunG . 2 for the definition of zg(O)). 4) and the sheaf π ∗ ωBunG . The actions of Aut O and G(K) on π ∗ ωBunG are compatible in the obvious sense. Therefore h is Aut O-equivariant. So h induces a horizontal morphism h : z = zg(O)X → Γ(BunG , D )X . 4. 3 we first of all give a precise definition of the action of the semidirect product Aut O G(K) on M ∧ . Let R be a C-algebra. By definition, an R- point of M ∧ is a triple (α, F, γ) where α : Spec R⊗O → X ⊗ R is an R-morphism whose differential does not vanish over any point of Spec R, F is a G-torsor on X ⊗ R, and γ is a section of α∗ F.

So (30) Uk /In,k = (Ωn,k )∗ , U k = (Ωk )∗ HITCHIN’S INTEGRABLE SYSTEM 43 where Ωk = lim Ωn,k and ∗ denotes the topological dual. −→ n To define Ωn,k we need some notation. Denote by Or (resp. ωrO ) the completed tensor product of r copies of O (resp. ωrO Or of ωO ). Set ωrK = Kr where Kr is the field of fractions of Or . We identify Or with C[[t1 , . . , tr ]] and write elements of ωrK as f (t1 , . . , tr ) dt1 . . dtr where f belongs to the field of fractions of C[[t1 , . . , tr ]]. Definition.

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Quantization of Hitchin's integrable system and Hecke eigensheaves by Beilinson A., Drinfeld V.

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