By A. Labovschii, W. Layton, C. Manica, M. Neda, L. Rebholz, I. Stanculescu, C. Trenchea (auth.), Johan Meyers, Bernard J. Geurts, Pierre Sagaut (eds.)
ISBN-10: 140208577X
ISBN-13: 9781402085772
ISBN-10: 1402085788
ISBN-13: 9781402085789
Computational assets have constructed to the extent that, for the 1st time, it really is changing into attainable to use large-eddy simulation (LES) to turbulent circulate difficulties of sensible complexity. Many examples are available in know-how and in various average flows. This places concerns relating to assessing, assuring, and predicting the standard of LES into the highlight. numerous LES experiences were released some time past, demonstrating a excessive point of accuracy with which turbulent movement predictions could be attained, with no need to inn to the over the top specifications on computational assets imposed by way of direct numerical simulations. despite the fact that, the setup and use of turbulent circulation simulations calls for a profound wisdom of fluid mechanics, numerical suggestions, and the applying into account. The susceptibility of large-eddy simulations to error in modelling, in numerics, and within the remedy of boundary stipulations, may be very huge as a result of nonlinear accumulation of alternative contributions through the years, resulting in an tricky and unpredictable state of affairs. a whole realizing of the interacting mistakes dynamics in large-eddy simulations continues to be missing. to make sure the reliability of large-eddy simulations for quite a lot of commercial clients, the advance of transparent criteria for the assessment, prediction, and keep an eye on of simulation blunders in LES is summoned. The workshop on caliber and Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulations, held October 22-24, 2007 in Leuven, Belgium (QLES2007), supplied one of many first systems in particular addressing those points of LES.
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For any (u0 δ1, B0 ) ∈ V and (f , curl g δ2 ) ∈ L2 (0, T ; H), there exists a unique strong solution (w, W ) to (19) in L∞ (0, T ; H 1 (Ω)) ∩ L2 (0, T ; H 2 (Ω)) and wt , Wt ∈ L2 ((0, T ) × Ω). Moreover, t E(t) + t P(τ )dτ, (τ )dτ = E(0) + 0 0 where 1 δ2 2 S S δ1 2 ∇w(t, ·) 20 + w(t, ·) 20 + ∇W (t, ·) 20 + W (t, ·) 20 , 2 2 2 2 δ1 2 1 δ2 2 S S (t) = Δw(t, ·) 20 + ∇w(t, ·) 20 + ΔW (t, ·) 20 + ∇W (t, ·) 20 , Re Re Rem Rem P(t) = (f (t), w(t)) + S(∇ × g(t), W (t)). E(t) = In the proof we use the semigroup approach of [5], based on the machinery of nonlinear differential equations of accretive type in Banach spaces.
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2) A given flow may be characterized by the Reynolds number Re = U L/ν, where U and L are representative velocity and length scales, respectively. The Reynolds number characterizes the relative importance of viscous and intertial effects in the flow, with the limiting case of Re = ∞ corresponding to the inviscid Euler equations with ν = 0 in (1). A strong (or classical) solution to NS equations is a function u ˆ that satisfies the equations exactly, making the residual pointwise zero: R(ˆ u) = 0. The existence of a strong solution to NS equations is an open problem, listed as one of the Clay Institute $1 million Prize problems [9].
Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulations by A. Labovschii, W. Layton, C. Manica, M. Neda, L. Rebholz, I. Stanculescu, C. Trenchea (auth.), Johan Meyers, Bernard J. Geurts, Pierre Sagaut (eds.)
by Jason