By John L. Brash, Thomas A. Horbett
ISBN-10: 0841211868
ISBN-13: 9780841211865
ISBN-10: 0841214034
ISBN-13: 9780841214033
content material: Proteins at interfaces : present matters and destiny clients / Thomas A. Horbett and John L. Brash --
Protein adsorption at solid-liquid interfaces : a colloid-chemical procedure / W. Norde, J.G.E.M. Fraaye, and J. Lyklema --
Early levels of plasma protein adsorption / Todd M. rate and M. Lea Rudee --
Adsorption and chromatography of proteins on porous glass : task alterations of thrombin and plasmin adsorbed on glass surfaces / Takaharu Mizutani --
constitution and task alterations of proteins brought on by adsorption on fabric surfaces / Hiroko Sato, Takashi Tomiyama, Hiroyuki Morimoto, and Akio Nakajima --
Nonspecific adhesion of phospholipid bilayer membranes in suggestions of plasma proteins : dimension of free-energy potentials and theoretical techniques / E. Evans, D. Needham, and J. Janzen --
interplay of prothrombin with phospholipid monolayers at air- and mercury-water interfaces / M.F. Lecompte --
Mixed-protein movies adsorbed on the oil-water interface / Julie fortress, Eric Dickinson, Brent S. Murray, and George Stainsby --
Human erythrocyte intrinsic membrane proteins and glycoproteins in monolayer and bilayer platforms / M.N. Jones and R.J. Davies --
Why plasma proteins engage at interfaces / L. Vroman and A.L. Adams --
effects of protein adsorption at fluid interfaces / F. MacRitchie --
Plasma proteins at ordinary and artificial interfaces : a fluorescence research / E. Dulos, J. Dachary, J.F. Faucon, and J. Dufourcq --
interplay mechanism of thrombin with useful polystyrene surfaces : a examine utilizing high-performance affinity chromatography / X.-J. Yu, D. Muller, A.M. Fischer, and J. Jozefonvicz --
Kinetics of protein sorption on phospholipid membranes measured by means of ellipsometry / Peter A. Cuypers, George M. Willems, Jos M.M. Kop, Jan W. Corsel, Marie P. Janssen, and Wim Th. Hermens --
Adsorption and desorption of man-made and organic macromolecules at solid-liquid interfaces : equilibrium and kinetic houses / J.D. Aptel, A. Carroy, P. Dejardin, E. Pefferkorn, P. Schaaf, A. Schmitt, R. Varoqui, and J.C. Voegel --
Adsorption to biomaterials from protein combos / Thomas A. Horbett --
Adsorption of gelatin at solid-liquid interfaces / A.T. Kudish and F.R. Eirich --
Microelectrophoretic research of calcium oxalate monohydrate in macromolecular options / P.A. Curreri, G.Y. Onoda, Jr., and B. Finlayson --
Human and chicken lysozyme adsorption : a comparative research utilizing overall inner mirrored image fluorescence spectroscopy and molecular images / D. Horsley, J. Herron, V. Hlady, and J.D. Andrade --
Protein adsorption at polymer surfaces : a examine utilizing overall inner mirrored image fluorescence / Aron B. Anderson, Seth A. Darst, and Channing R. Robertson --
Adsorption of fibronectin to polyurethane surfaces : Fourier rework infrared spectroscopic reports / W.G. Pitt, S.H. Spiegelberg, and S.L. Cooper --
results of our environment at the constitution of adsorbed proteins : Fourier rework infrared spectroscopic stories / R.J. Jakobsen and F.M. Wasacz --
Fourier rework infrared spectroscopic and attenuated overall reflectance reviews of protein adsorption in flowing platforms / K.K. Chittur, D.J. Fink, T.B. Hutson, R.M. Gendreau, R.J. Jakobsen, and R.I. Leininger --
association of albumin on polymer surfaces / Robert C. Eberhart, Mark S. Munro, Jack R. Frautschi, and Viktor I. Sevastianov --
Interactions of proteins at solid-liquid interfaces : touch attitude, adsorption, and sedimentation quantity measurements / D.R. Absolom, W. Zingg, and A.W. Neumann --
Electron tunneling used as a probe of protein adsorption at interfaces / J.A. Panitz --
Characterization of the got biofilms on fabrics uncovered to human saliva / H.J. Mueller --
Reversible-irreversible protein adsorption and polymer floor characterization / Adam Baszkin, Michel Deyme, Eric Perez, and Jacques Emile Proust --
Protein adsorption on good surfaces : actual experiences and organic version reactions / Hans Elwing, Agneta Askenda, Bengt Ivarsson, Ulf Nilsson, Stefan Welin, and Ingemar Lundström --
Protein adsorption on the solid-solution interface with regards to blood-material interactions / John L. Brash --
Platelet activation through polyalkyl acrylates and methacrylates : the position of surface-bound fibrinogen / Jack N. Lindon, Gerald McManama, Leslie Kushner, Marek Kloczewiak, Jacek Hawiger, Edward W. Merrill, and Edwin W. Salzman --
points of platelet adhesion to protein-coated surfaces / Irwin A. Feuerstein --
Capillary perfusion approach for quantitative overview of protein adsorption and platelet adhesion to man made surfaces / Jean-Pierre Cazenave and Juliette Mulvihill --
Blood protein-material interactions that result in mobile adhesion / C.A. Ward --
Thrombin-antithrombin III interactions with a heparin-polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel / M.V. Sefton, G. Rollason, M.W.C. Hatton, M.F.A. Goosen, and B.A.H. Smith --
functions of adsorbed proteins at stable and liquid substrates / Ivar Giaever and Charles R. Keese --
Affinity collection of cells on solid-phase matrices with immobilized proteins / Kazunori Kataoka, Yasuhisa Sakurai, and Teiji Tsuruta --
Fibronectin-mediated attachment of mammalian cells to polymeric substrata / Robert J. Klebe, Kevin L. Bentley, and Danelle P. Hanson --
movie, foaming, and emulsifying homes of nutrients proteins : results of amendment / John E. Kinsella and Dana M. Whitehead --
Interfacial habit of foodstuff proteins studied by means of the drop quantity strategy / E. Tornberg --
Caseins and casein micelles at interfaces / Douglas G. Dalgleish --
Interfacial houses of milk casein proteins / P. Paquin, M. Britten, M.-F. Laliberté, and M. Boulet.
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Example text
22. ; Horbett, T . A . S. J. Bioeng. 1977, 1, 395. 23. Horbett, T . A . ; Mack, K. Trans. Soc. Biomat. 1986, IX, 45. 24. ; Horbett, T . A . S. Trans. Am. Soc. A r t i f . Int. Organs 1976, 22, 242. 25. K. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. 1981, 15, 363. 26. W. Physical Chemistry of Surfaces; WileyIntersciences: NY, 1967. 27. W. Ann. Ν. Y. Acad. S c i . 1977, 283, 50. 28. Nyilas, Ε . A. Trans. Am. Soc. A r t i f . Int. Organs 1974, 20, 480. 29. Chiu, T . H . ; Nyilas, Ε . M. Trans. Am. Soc. Artif. Int. Organs 1976, 22, 498.
Interf. Sci. 1985, 104, 28. A. ; American Chemical Society: Washington D . C . , 1982; Vol. 199, p 277. ch001 Current Issues and Future Prospects Chapter 2 Protein Adsorption at Solid-Liquid Interfaces: A Colloid-Chemical Approach W. Norde, J. G. Ε. M . Fraaye, and J. ch002 Department of Physical and Colloid Chemistry, Agricultural University, De Dreijen 6, 6703 BC Wageningen, Netherlands Protein adsorption on solid surfaces is discussed from a colloid chemical and thermodynamic point of view. Information is mainly obtained from adsorption isotherms, (proton)titrations, electrokinetics and calorimetry.
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Proteins at Interfaces. Physicochemical and Biochemical Studies by John L. Brash, Thomas A. Horbett
by Edward