By Thomas A. Horbett, John L. Brash
ISBN-10: 0841215278
ISBN-13: 9780841215276
ISBN-10: 0841233047
ISBN-13: 9780841233041
content material: Proteins at interfaces : an summary / John L. Brash and Thomas A. Horbett --
Reversibility and the mechanism of protein adsorption / Willem Norde and Charles A. Haynes --
Logarithmic development of protein motion pictures / Simon Alaeddine and Håkan Nygren --
Comparative adsorption experiences with artificial, structural balance and cost mutants of bacteriophage T4 lysozyme / J. McGuire, V. Krisdhasima, Marie C. Wahlgren, and Thomas Arnebrant --
constitution and adsorption houses of fibrinogen / Li Feng and Joseph D. Andrade --
Macroscopic and microscopic interactions among albumin and hydrophilic surfaces / C.J. van Oss, W. Wu, and R.F. Giese --
a brand new hydrophobicity scale and its relevance to protein folding and interactions at interfaces / Dan W. Urry and Chi-Hao Luan --
The Vroman impression : a severe assessment / Steven M. Slack and Thomas A. Horbett --
brief adsorption of fibrinogen from plasma ideas flowing in silica capillaries / M.T. Le, J.N. Mulvihill, J.-P. Cazenave, and P. Déjardin --
Protein displacement phenomena in blood plasma and serum studied by way of the wettability gradient approach and the lens-on-surface approach / Hans B. Elwing, Liu Li, Agneta R. Askendal, Ghada S. Nimeri, and John L. Brash --
aggressive adsorption of proteins in the course of publicity of human blood plasma to glass and polyethylene / P. Turbill, T. Beugeling, and A.A. Poot --
Protein-protein interactions affecting proteins at surfaces / Peter H. Warkentin, Ingemar Lundström, and Pentti Tengvall --
Modeling the dynamics of protein adsorption to surfaces / A. Nadarajah, C.F. Lu, and K.K. Chittur --
impression of protein pageant on floor adsorption-density parameters of polymer-protein interfaces / V.I. Sevastianov, Y.S. Tremsina, R.C. Eberhart, and S.W. Kim --
aggressive adsorption of albumin and fibrinogen at solution-air and solution-polyethylene interfaces : in situ measurements / A. Baszkin and M.M. Boissonnade --
Ellipsometry reports of protein adsorption at hydrophobic surfaces / Martin Malmsten and Bo Lassen --
Protein-surfactant interactions at sturdy surfaces / Thomas Arnebrant and Marie C. Wahlgren --
Calorimetric observations of protein conformation at solid-liquid interfaces / Guoying Yan, Jenq-Thun Li, Shao-Chie Huang, and Karin D. Caldwell --
Molecular orientation in adsorbed cytochrome c movies through planar waveguide linear dichroism / John E. Lee and S. Scott Saavedra --
Human serum albumin adsorption at solid-liquid interface monitored by means of electron spin resonance spectroscopy / R. Nicholov, N. Lum, R.P.N. Veregin, and F. DiCosmo --
Proteins at surfaces studied with the outside strength approach / Eva Blomberg and consistent with M. Claesson --
Neutron reflectivity of adsorbed protein movies / Peter J. Atkinson, Eric Dickinson, David S. Horne, and Robert M. Richardson --
Mechanisms and outcomes of protein adsorption on soil mineral surfaces / H. Quiquampoix, J. Abadie, M.H. Baron, F. Leprince, P.T. Matumoto-Pintro, R.G. Ratcliffe, and S. Staunton --
Reactivity of antibodies on antigens adsorbed on stable surfaces / P. Huetz, P. Schaaf, J.-C. Voegel, E.K. Mann, B. Miras, V. Ball, M. Freund, and J.-P. Cazenave --
Interactions of hydrolytic enzymes at an aqueous-polyurethane interface / J. Paul Santerre, Daniel G. Duguay, Rosalind S. Labow, and John L. Brash --
Adsorption of human low-density lipoprotein onto a silica-octadecyldimethylsilyl (C₁) gradient floor / Chih-Hu Ho and Vladimir Hlady --
decreased protein adsorption on polymer floor coated with a self-assembled biomimetic membrane / Kazuhiko Ishihara and Nobuo Nakabayashi --
research of the prevention of protein adsorption via steric repulsion thought / Timothy B. McPherson, Samuel J. Lee, and Kinam Park --
Direct dimension of protein adsorption on latex debris through sedimentation field-flow fractionation / Yong Jiang, J. Calvin Giddings, and Ronald Beckett --
amendment of silica with a covalently hooked up antigen to be used in immunosorbent assays / Kathryn A. Melzak and Donald E. Brooks --
Mechanism of the preliminary attachment of human vein endothelial cells onto polystyrene-based tradition surfaces and surfaces ready via radiofrequency plasmas : roles of serum fibronectin and vitronectin in phone attachment to surfaces containing amide teams / John G. Steele, Thomas R. Gengenbach, Graham Johnson, Clive McFarland, B. Ann Dalton, P. Anne Underwood, Ronald C. Chatelier, and Hans J. Griesser --
Platelet adhesion to fibrinogen adsorbed on glow discharge-deposited polymers / David Kiaei, Allan S. Hoffman, and Thomas A. Horbett --
Serum protein adsorption and platelet adhesion to polyurethane grafted with methoxypoly(ethylene glycol) methacrylate polymers / Maria I. Ivanchenko, Eduard A. Kulik, and Yoshito Ikada --
Selective adsorption of fibrinogen domain names at man made surfaces and its influence on endothelial cellphone spreading / Hiroko Sato --
Phospholipase A2 interactions with version lipid monolayer membranes on the air-water interface / K.M. Maloney, M. Grandbois, C. Salesse, D.W. Grainger, and A. Reichert --
Fibronectin in a surface-adsorbed nation : insolubilization and self-assembly / Viola Vogel --
Threshold impression for penetration of prothrombin into phospholipid monolayers / M.F. Lecompte and H. Duplan --
Formation and homes of surface-active antibodies / Shlomo Magdassi, Oren Sheinberg, and Zichria Zakay-Rones.
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Extra info for Proteins at Interfaces II. Fundamentals and Applications
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ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995. 1. S. J Biomed Mater Res 1994, 28, 685-691. K. J Biol Chem1982,257,4888-4893. A. J Biomed Mater Res 1993, 27, 1103-1113. S. J Biomed Mater Res 1992, 26, 1259-1275. Int Rev Cytol 1978, 53, 65-141. M. Advances in Enzymology 1987, 59, 1-57. L. Exp Cell Res1984,153,550-555. S. Blood 1980, 55, 169-178. D. Thromb Haemostas 1991, 65, 608-617. M. J Biol Chem 1991, 266, 11227-11233. G. Thromb Haemostas 1992, 68, 694-700. F. Thromb Haemostas 1993, 70, 87-93.
Numerical fitting of equation (19) to the experimental data of fibrinogen binding onto a hydrophilic surface. 1 mg/ml as a function of time (t). ; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995. ; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995. 3. ch003 S (ng/cm2) 600 400 200 - 100 200 300 400 t (s) Figure 4. The experimental data are fitted using equation (19). ; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995. ch003 03 (0 200 400 600 800 a= 1 a=0,1 a=0,01 a=0,001 a=0,0001 1000 Time units Figure 5 .
Occasionally, lowaffinity isotherms are observed where the isotherm is distinguishable from the ordinate at low Cp (see Fig. 2b). In such systems, the form of the ascending branch is usually but not always (see refs. 1,2) independent of the number and size of c steps used in measuring the curve. ; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995. 27 28 PROTEINS AT INTERFACES II the isotherm distinguishable. As a rule it is found that, when shear is excluded, dilution does not lead to detectable desorption of proteins from solid sorbents, particularly hydrophobic sorbents, even when the observation time is extended to several days and is therefore much longer than the relaxation time of the protein at the surface [2,3].
Proteins at Interfaces II. Fundamentals and Applications by Thomas A. Horbett, John L. Brash
by Daniel