By Britannica Educational Publishing
ISBN-10: 1615305432
ISBN-13: 9781615305438
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With the 18th-century precursors of Romanticism—notably Richardson, Sterne, and Rousseau—the notion of sentiment entered the European consciousness. Rousseau’s Nouvelle Héloïse fired a new attitude toward love—more highly emotional than ever before—as his Émile (1762) changed educated views on how to bring up children. The romantic wave in Germany, with Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s Sorrows of Young Werther (1774) and the works of Jean-Paul Richter a generation later, similarly aroused modes of feeling that rejected the rational constraints of the 18th century.
With the 18th-century precursors of Romanticism—notably Richardson, Sterne, and Rousseau—the notion of sentiment entered the European consciousness. Rousseau’s Nouvelle Héloïse fired a new attitude toward love—more highly emotional than ever before—as his Émile (1762) changed educated views on how to bring up children. The romantic wave in Germany, with Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s Sorrows of Young Werther (1774) and the works of Jean-Paul Richter a generation later, similarly aroused modes of feeling that rejected the rational constraints of the 18th century.
Anthony Powell’s A Dance to the Music Novel | 13 of Time, a multivolume series of novels that began in 1951 (collected 1962), may be seen as a study of a segment of British society in which the chronological approach is eschewed, and events are brought together in one volume or another because of a kind of parachronic homogeneity. P. Snow’s Strangers and Brothers, a comparable series that began in 1940 and continued to appear throughout the ’50s and into the ’60s, shows how a fictional concept can be realized only in the act of writing, since the publication of the earlier volumes antedates the historical events portrayed in later ones.
Prose by Britannica Educational Publishing
by Charles