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By Rodnay Zaks

ISBN-10: 0895881357

ISBN-13: 9780895881359

Booklet through Zaks, Rodnay

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Octal has traditionally been used on older computers which were employing various numbers of bits ranging from 8 to perhaps 64. More recently, with the dominance of eight-bit microprocessors, the eight-bit format has become the standard, and another more practical representation is used. This is hexadecimal In the hex decimal representation, a group of four bits is en coded as one hexadecimal digit. Hexadecimal digits are represented by the symbols from 0 to 9, and by the letters A, B, C, D, E, F.

2-3: Fetching an Instruction from the Memory THE INSTRUCTION EXECUTION CYCLE Let us refer now to Figure 2-3. The microprocessor unit appears on the left, and the memory appears on the right. The memory chip may be a ROM or a RAM, or any other chip which happens to contain memory. The memory is used to store instructions and data. Here, we will fetch one instruction from the memory to illustrate the role of the program counter. We assume that the program counter has valid contents. It now holds a 16-bit address which is the address of the next instruction to fetch in the mem ory.

We have seen how to represent information internally and exter nally. We will now examine the actual microprocessor which will manipulate this information. Additional Exercises Exercise 1,28: What is the advantage of two's complement over other representations used to represent signed numbers? 29: How would you represent "1024" in direct binary? Signed binary? Two's complement? 30: What is the V-bit? Should the programmer test it after an addition or subtraction ? 31: Compute the two's complement of "+16", "+17", "+18", "-16", "-17", "-18".

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Programming the 6502 by Rodnay Zaks

by Ronald

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