By Cyndia Susan Clegg
ISBN-10: 0511017715
ISBN-13: 9780511017711
ISBN-10: 0521782430
ISBN-13: 9780521782432
This booklet examines the ways that books have been produced, learn, and acquired through the reign of King James I. Cyndia Clegg contends that even if the imperative mechanisms for controlling the click altered little among 1558 and 1603, the particular perform of censorship below James I diversified considerably from Elizabethan perform. The publication combines ancient research of files with the examining of censored texts and should be a useful source for students in addition to historians.
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In this case the High Commission was joined by the Crown, the Privy Council, and the entire ecclesiastical establishment to discover Martin and his printers. In their efforts to achieve conformity, the High Commission's methods were abusive: they allowed their examinees to languish in prison before their hearings; they administered the oath ex of®cio mero before they read charges and indictments; they legally required imprisonment to enforce conformity, and they called in and examined authors and printers of some of the most radical puritan manifestos.
Between 1605 and 1610 Cecil frequently received letters notifying him that a press had been found or that books had been seized, often presumably by customs of®cials. Even before the discovery of the Gunpowder Plot in November 1605, Cecil was seeking intelligence on Jesuits who might be in 38 Press censorship in Jacobean England hiding by identifying Catholic writing and discovering printers who might, then, have information on them. On one such occasion, one Udall (a frequent employee of Cecil) was sought out to discover a Jesuit.
The proclamation's real value lay in its persuasive agenda: it declared the dangers to Church and state of whatever radical reforms might be sought in the parliament newly convened; it justi®ed the High Commission's opposition to reform; and it provided for the High Commission a visible means to assault the reformers. 48 Although their printer, Robert Waldegrave, was never discovered, Sir Richard Knightly, a Mr. Hales, and Sir Wickstone and his wife were tried before the Star Chamber and received the following sentences: Sir Richard was ®ned £2,000 for allowing The Epitome to be printed in his house; Mr.
Press Censorship in Jacobean England by Cyndia Susan Clegg
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