By R Lee Lyman
ISBN-10: 1598744569
ISBN-13: 9781598744569
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Yet such data have not been forthcoming, nor has their requisite nature been regularly recognized. Minor (1986:10) for example, in a later report, first correctly notes "it is often difficult to distinguish between shell middens which might have been villages and those which probably represent temporary camps," especially when no subsurface sampling is carried out. Then, on the basis of the original site records, limited ethnographic data, and limited archaeological data, Minor (1986: 11) distinguishes village sites and camp sites; the former are "characterized by deep cultural deposits covering relatively extensive areas," often with surficial depressions representing 24 Prehistory of the Oregon Coast semi subterranean houses, whereas the latter are "characterized by cultural deposits which are generally shallower and relatively restricted in nature and extent in comparison to villages" and lack surficial depressions.
In brief, these events involve major dislocations of tropical rainfall regimes with related anomalies in atmospheric circulation in temperate latitudes, pronounced oceanic fluctuations associated with an increase in upper-ocean temperatures in the eastern Pacific, and attendant affects on marine ecosystems (Rasmusson 1985; Yarnal and Diaz 1986). These events tend to recur irregularly but generally every 3 to 7 years, and each event lasts about 18 months (Rasmusson 1985). Over the last 50 years (since 1935), the 1982-83 event was the most intense and the most intensively studied.
Kroeber 1936: 108) The earliest known archaeological research on the Oregon coast was undertaken by Alexander W. Chase (1873a. 1873b) and Paul Schumacher (1874, 1877a, 1877b). Schumacher tested at least three sites (Lone Ranch-CU37, later sampled by Berreman [1944]; Big Rock/Crooks Point [Pistol River]--CU61, later sampled by Heflin [1964,1966] and D. Cole [unpublished]; Chetco Cove--CU40). Both Chase and Schumacher provided basic descriptive summaries of recovered artifacts, and speculated that site locations were chosen by prehistoric peoples for defensive purposes and optimization of subsistence pursuits.
Prehistory of the Oregon Coast: The Effects of Excavation Strategies and Assemblage Size on Archaeological Inquiry by R Lee Lyman
by Robert