By Eugene R. Hnatek
ISBN-10: 0824708326
ISBN-13: 9780824708320
Analyzing a number of examples of hugely delicate items, this publication stories easy reliability arithmetic, describes strong layout practices, and discusses the method of choosing providers and parts. He specializes in the explicit problems with thermal administration, electrostatic discharge, electromagnetic compatibility, revealed wiring meeting, environmental pressure checking out, and failure research. The booklet offers equipment for assembly the reliability ambitions demonstrated for the manufacture of digital product and addresses the improvement of trustworthy software program. The appendix offers instance instructions for the derating of electric and electromechanical parts.
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Figures 13a and 13b illustrate the separate effects of burn-in and MTTF (a) (b) FIGURE 13 (a) Reliability enhancement through burn-in. (b) Reliability enhancement through MTTF growth. Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 24 Chapter 1 growth. Burn-in removes the weak components and in this way brings the equipment into its useful life period with a (supposedly) constant hazard rate λ (see Fig. 13a). e. it increases the MTTF. The corrective actions we speak of when discussing burn-in are primarily directed toward reducing the number of infant mortality failures.
38 Chapter 2 The Exponential Distribution The exponential distribution is one of the most important distributions in reliability work. It is used almost exclusively for reliability prediction of electronic equipment. The exponential model is useful and simple to understand and use; it is good for introductory concepts and calculations, has a constant hazard rate, and is a special case of the Weibull distribution, occurring when the Wiebull slope β is equal to 1. An example of an exponential distribution for failure in time of a given product is depicted by the probability density function of Figure 5.
2. 3. 4. 5. 3 6. 3 7. 4 8. 7 9. 2 What is the MTTF, as determined from the plot of time versus probability? If the failures seem to represent a constant failure rate, then what is that rate, λ? Here is a schematic look at where the failures occur on the time scale: 1. 5. 2. 1. 3. Divide the interval of 100% by N ϩ 1 ϭ 9 ϩ 1 ϭ 10: 10%, 20%, 30%, etc. 4. Plot on exponential paper time values on the y axis, percentage on the x axis (Fig. 2). 5. Find the 63% point, drop down the 63% line, and find the y-axis intercept.
Practical Reliability Of Electronic Equipment And Products (Electrical Engineering and Electronics) by Eugene R. Hnatek
by George