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By Harry Henderson

ISBN-10: 0816047685

ISBN-13: 9780816047680

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At first CNN, while admitting that there might have been errors, stuck by its story and said that it deserved further investigation. As pressure from the government and veterans’ groups mounted, CNN finally retracted the story as “unsupportable,” although an investigation did not find that the reporters had intentionally falsified anything in the story. A subsequent article in the Columbia Journalism Review identified 10 mistakes that CNN and Time made in handling the Operation Tailwind 38 Perspectives and Issues story.

As a result, only one person was killed directly by the explosion (another died of a heart attack, and 111 were injured). The FBI, however, 47 Power of the News Media became suspicious about Jewell and tried to trick him by having him “pretend” for a “training film” that he was waiving his right to an attorney during interrogation about the bombing. ” The TV networks and most major newspapers soon took up the story. Swarms of reporters began to converge on Jewell’s apartment, which was being searched by federal investigators.

During the 1970s women brought antidiscrimination suits against major media companies, including NBC, the Associated Press, the New York Times, and the Washington Post. The latter, ironically, was then headed by a powerful woman publisher, Katharine Graham. On the other hand, as recently as 2000, CBS producer Bernard Goldberg took a sample of a month’s program of the popular TV newsmagazine shows and found that in 51 stories from Dateline and 48 Hours none featured black persons; 20/20 featured blacks in only two of 26 stories—and one was about Secretary of Defense William Cohen, who is white, and his wife, who is black.

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Power of the News Media (Library in a Book) by Harry Henderson

by William

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