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Michael J. Murphy's Popsicle Fish: Tales of Fathering PDF

By Michael J. Murphy

ISBN-10: 0929173236

ISBN-13: 9780929173238

This selection of brief funny and middle warming tales written by way of psychologist-dad will make grandparents reminisce approximately parenting, remind mom and dad to treasure each one second with their teenagers, and parents-to-be give some thought to their very own formative years.

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Suddenly, after a friend made a particularly riotous comment, my tears of hysterical laughter transformed ever so imperceptibly into tears of griefsobbing, gut-wrenching grief. The grief was well deserved, I can see now. I was leaving behind friends, a home, a community of which I would never again be a part. But even though I was among friends who would have understood and even shared my sadness, I was embarrassed, and I stifled my grief out of shame at my tears. And, now that I think about it, that may have been the last time I criedquite a few years, as Aaron said, before he was alive.

For I knew a little girl in our neighborhood who said that she had seen the Madonna in the schoolyard, and she insisted the Madonna would appear again on a certain date. I remember being there that rainy night among the crowd; we milled around, my friends and I, not quite knowing what nine-year-olds say to each other at the scene of a prospective visitation. I never saw the little girl herself but I recall thinking how devout she must be and how deeply her parents must trust her to follow her this far down the path of her devotion.

The book reminded me that children are great teachersthey can help us know ourselvesand the most simple interactions with them can be profound. I remembered times of connection with my own children, and vowed to find ways to stay connected. For that, I thank Michael Murphy and his sons. Fred P. D. Program Director at Purdue University Department of Child Development and Family Studies Popsicle Fish reaches deep down into the pockets of every parent's laughs and wishes, heartaches and hopes, and pulls out fistfuls of wisdom and love.

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Popsicle Fish: Tales of Fathering by Michael J. Murphy

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