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By George Blake

ISBN-10: 0905392558

ISBN-13: 9780905392554

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Page 34 Albóndigas 1 pound beef � pound pork 1 slice bread 1 egg 1 onion 1 clove garlic, chopped 1 pinch each black sage, ground mint, and pepper 1 teaspoon salt 1 tomato 1/8 teaspoon culantro Grind meat together, mix with bread, which has been soaked in water and squeezed dry. Add egg and seasoning. Mix well and mold into balls the size of walnuts. Brown 1 chopped onion in 2 tablespoons fat. Remove onion and brown meat balls. Add onion, 1 mashed tomato, spices as above, and 4 to 6 cups of boiling water.

Cover with cold water and cook until tender. 1 cup garbanzos or dried peas 1 teaspoon salt 1 onion, chopped � cup red chile pulp 1 pinch culantro Let peas stand overnight in cold water to cover. Bring to a boil, drain, and cover with fresh water. Add salt and culantro and boil 1 hour, or until tender. Fry the onion in salt pork or bacon fat. Mash the peas lightly, add the onion and chile and reheat. Serve as a vegetable. Page 64 Baked Garbanzos 2 pounds garbanzos � pound butter Salt and pepper to taste 2 tablespoons flour 3 eggs 1 pinch culantro Prepare garbanzos as directed on page 63, boiling until tender.

Remove onion and brown meat balls. Add onion, 1 mashed tomato, spices as above, and 4 to 6 cups of boiling water. Simmer slowly for 1½ hours. Burritos (Little Burros) Mix tortillas according to recipe on page 87, but mold them thicker than usual. Make a depression in the middle of each and fill with chicharrones, made according to recipe on page 33, and chopped. Bake in a moderate oven. Page 35 Meats and Poultry La Olla Podrida (Savory Pot) ½ pound each pork, chicken, veal, beef, all cubed 1½ teaspoons salt 1/8 teaspoon each cinnamon, all-spice, nutmeg, cloves � teaspoon pepper 1 wine-glass sherry 1 pinch chimajá Omit salt if salted sherry is used Add seasoning to meat and mix well.

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Poole : past & present by George Blake

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