By Terrence Ball
ISBN-10: 0816608164
ISBN-13: 9780816608164
ISBN-10: 0816661294
ISBN-13: 9780816661299
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If that is so, what we have here is indeed a theodicy of desperation. , on the plane of pure thought itself, are allowed to pretend that they have been reconciled in reality. Marx rightly identified this mode of idealism as a disguised form of positivism. For on such a view unfulfilled revolutionary promises are "kept" in thought alone, which, by rising stoically above the tawdriness of the real and consoling itself with its innate, "spiritual" superiority, ends up sanctioning the appalling lack of critical reflectiveness in this reality.
51 The sentiment is similar to that of Rousseau, from whom Kant drew much inspiration in his formative years. Political life tends to make a cunning and selfish beast out of the natural man and to camouflage his perfidy with the pretense of "civilized" government. , a kingdom of ends) that ensures true justice in both the moral and political sense. In a word, Kant is saying that any theory of political justice must be more profound and sweeping than some justification of existing social arrangements, even though such arrangements may satisfy Hobbes's key condition that they preserve domestic tranquility.
Political Theory and Praxis: New Perspectives by Terrence Ball
by Robert