By L Nikolova,P S Ramanujam,Ebooks Corporation.
ISBN-10: 0511539983
ISBN-13: 9780511539985
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3:66Þ ð3:67Þ with intensities IÆ1 ¼ D’jj 2 2 D’? 67) that the diffracted waves will not retain the polarization of the reconstructing wave except in the cases a ¼ 0 and a ¼ 90 . 68). Then, by measuring the diffraction efficiency for a ¼ 0 and a ¼ p/2 one can obtain the values of the photoinduced change in the refractive index of the recording material and also its anisotropy [14]. 4 General case: arbitrary polarization of the subject wave. Reconstruction of light polarization We have shown thus far that, if the holographic recording in photoanisotropic materials is done with two waves with orthogonal polarizations (linear or circular), then at the reconstructing stage the þ1 order diffracted wave will have the same polarization as that of the signal wave used during the recording.
For d ¼ p/4, it is along À45 , for d ¼ p/2 it is along the axis Oy, etc. 14(a) shows one period of the polarization pattern in this case. 14(b) shows the polarization pattern in the case when R has right-circular polarization and S has left-circular polarization. 5), at the location d ¼ 0 we have ! n þ Dn=2 0 ; n ¼ n0 þ 0 n À Dn=2 ð3:41Þ and for the Jones matrix describing the transmittance at d ¼ 0 we obtain ! 42) through an angle d ¼ d(x). This yields Tlr ¼ RðdÞTd¼0 RðÀdÞ; ! cosðD’Þ þ i sinðD’Þ cosð2dÞ Ài sinðD’Þ sinð2dÞ : Tlr ¼ const: Ài sinðD’Þ sinð2dÞ cosðD’Þ À i sinðD’Þ cosð2dÞ ð3:43Þ It is readily seen that the matrix Tlr can be written as a sum of three matrices: Tlr ¼ T0 þ Tþ1 þ TÀ1 ; ð3:44Þ where, omitting again the phase constant, T0 ¼ Tþ1 ¼ and TÀ1 cosðD’Þ 0 !
Waves have orthogonal polarization, and they replicate the polarization of the signal wave S used during the recording. The waves diffracted at the Ô2 orders are Eþ2 EÀ2 ! cos a ¼ J2 ðD’Þ expði3dÞ; sin a ! cos a ¼ J2 ðD’Þ expðÀi5dÞ: sin a ð3:35Þ They (and all the even-order waves) have the polarization of the reconstructing wave. Their amplitudes are determined by the second-order Bessel function J2(D’). If the read-out wave is left-circularly polarized, ! 1 R¼ expðÀidÞ; Ài for the þ1 order and À1 order diffracted waves we obtain !
Polarization Holography by L Nikolova,P S Ramanujam,Ebooks Corporation.
by George