By Mayer-Kuckuk T.
ISBN-10: 3519130211
ISBN-13: 9783519130215
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3. THE HUMAN BRAIN HAS WELL-DEVELOPED VISUAL AND LINGUISTIC ABILITIES Our visual system has evolved over many millions of years to a remarkably efficient instrument. In a fraction of a second we spot and recognize an animal or object hidden in a complex background. Clearly, this ability has been important for the sur vival of our ancestors. But now we can use it to stare at geomet rical figures, diagrams, formulas, and mathematical text. 1al system. But we humans have this wonderful instrument at our disposal, and we naturally use it in doing mathematics.
But ap parently the military money was coming to an end, and this closed the incident. After discussion with Michel and Thorn, Grothendieck and I went on February 20, 1970, to Nancy to meet with the president of the board of trustees. This was a largely meaningless trip, but it gave me a chance to spend a few hours on the train with Gro thendieck. We talked about theoretical physics. He asked careful questions and discussed what I had to say with great attention. Around that time he also informed himself about biology with the help of his friend Mircea Dumitrescu.
This was not taken well, and things quickly turned sour. Motchane counterattacked, manipulating facts without much regard for the truth, threatening to close the Institut, and so on. On one occasion he presented us with an excerpt of the report of a recent committee meeting in which we supposedly had reappointed him as director for four years. " Motchane also tried to arrange his own succession without referring to the sci�ntific committee (this was against the statutes of the IHES). Colleagues from out side wrote to us that they had been approached by Motchane, who had asked them not to tell us.
Physik der Atomkerne: eine Einfuehrung by Mayer-Kuckuk T.
by David