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E. Hodgson, E. BÄetÃak / Physics Reports 374 (2003) 1 – 89 Fig. 12. Experimental lab. angle-integrated cross-sections for 59 Co(˜p; 3 He) (solid circles) compared with the theoretical results for one-step (− − −), two-step (− · − · −) and three-step (− · · − · · −) processes. , 2000). proton beams makes it easy to measure the asymmetries of the emitted particles. The most likely direct reaction mechanisms are triton pickup and -particle knockout, and these can be treated theoretically to a good approximation using the cluster-transfer mechanism.
At lower outgoing energies the magnitude of the analysing power decreases rapidly, due to the contributions of the higher steps. A more detailed study of the multistep processes is needed to describe the experimental shape of the analysing power at low outgoing energies. 2. The (n, t) reaction. The 6;7 Li(n; t) reactions at 14:1 MeV have been studied by Shirato et al. (1988) and they found that the 6 Li reaction cross-section can be well ÿtted by a coherent sum of the d and 3 He pickup amplitudes.
This is because the kinematics of the proton–alpha collision do not allow all the energy of the incident proton to be transferred to the -particle; it retains some energy and therefore tends to go to ÿnal states of higher energy, mainly in the continuum. , 1984). E. Hodgson, E. BÄetÃak / Physics Reports 374 (2003) 1 – 89 α B p B p A A Compound nucleus α p α B 43 Pre−equilibrium α p p α B A−α t A A Triton pickup α B p Alpha knockout A−α B α p t A p A−t A Heavy−particle stripping Heavy−particle knockout Fig.
Physics Reports vol.374
by David