By Hans C. Ohanian
ISBN-10: 0393929698
ISBN-13: 9780393929690
Ebook Date: might nine, 2007 | ISBN-10: 0393929698 | ISBN-13: 978-0393929690 | version: 3rd Edition
Designed for the introductory calculus-based physics direction, Physics for Engineers and Scientists is exclusive by way of its lucid exposition and available assurance of primary actual concepts.
The textual content offers a contemporary view of classical mechanics and electromagnetism for modern day technological know-how and engineering scholars, together with insurance of optics and quantum physics and emphasizing the connection among macroscopic and microscopic phenomena.
Organized to deal with particular techniques after which construct on them, this hugely readable textual content divides each one bankruptcy into brief, centred sections by means of overview questions. utilizing real-world examples, the authors provide a glimpse of the sensible functions of physics in technological know-how and engineering, constructing a superior conceptual beginning prior to introducing mathematical effects and derivations (a easy wisdom of derivatives and integrals is assumed).
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5 ϫ 10Ϫ6 The highest magnifications are attained by a newer kind of electron microscope, the scanning tunneling microscope (STM). This picture was prepared with such a microscope. The picture shows strands of DNA deposited on a substrate of graphite. In contrast to the strands of the preceding picture, these strands are uncoated; that is, they are without protein encrustations. 5 × 10−8 Fig. 5 ϫ 10Ϫ7 This close-up picture of strands of DNA reveals the helical structure of this molecule. The strand consists of a pair of helical coils wrapped around each other.
This final picture takes us to the limits of our knowledge of the subatomic world. As a next step we would like to zoom in on the quarks and show what they are made of. According to a speculative theory, they are made of small snippets or loops of strings, 10Ϫ35m long. But we do not yet have any evidence for this theory. qxd 07/02/2007 10:11 AM Page 1215 PMAC-291 27B:GK023:Chapters:Chapter-35 + (PO6): TechBooks [PPG -QUARK] PA RT 6 Relativity, Quanta, and Particles CONTENTS 36 The Theory of Special Relativity 37 Quanta of Light 38 Spectral Lines, Bohr’s Theory, and Quantum Mechanics 39 Quantum Structure of Atoms, Molecules, and Solids 40 Nuclei 41 Elementary Particles and Cosmology The solar cells in the 73-meter long photovoltaic arrays on the International Space Station convert solar energy into electrical power.
North is at the top of the photograph. qxd 07/02/2007 7:51 AM Page xxxviii PMAC-291 27B:GK023:Chapters:Prelude-Vol-2: TechBooks [PPG -QUARK] xxxviii Prelude Fig. 5 ϫ 105 This photograph shows a large portion of New York City. We can barely recognize the library and its park as a small rectangular patch slightly above the center of the picture. The central mass of land is the island of Manhattan, with the Hudson River on the left and the East River on the right. This photograph and the next two were taken by satellites orbiting the Earth at an altitude of about 700 kilometers.
Physics for Engineers and Scientists 3rd Edition Vol. 3 by Hans C. Ohanian
by Joseph