By Oscar Nierstrasz, Stéphane Ducasse, Damien Pollet
ISBN-10: 3952334146
ISBN-13: 9783952334140
Pharo is a contemporary open-source improvement setting for the vintage Smalltalk-80 programming language. This booklet, meant for either scholars and builders, will advisor you lightly during the language and instruments through a chain of examples and routines. we're making this publication to be had to you below the inventive Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license. you could both obtain the PDF at no cost from PharoByExample.org, otherwise you should buy a softcover reproduction from lulu.com. (You may also pay for the PDF obtain from lulu.com, if you'd like to make contributions to this effort.) extra fabric is on the market from the book's online page at PharoByExample.org.
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8: Pharo detecting an unknown selector. 9: Declaring a new instance variable. But cellsPerSide is not a mistake — it is just a method that we haven’t yet defined — we will do so in a minute or two. So just select the first item from the menu, which confirms that we really meant cellsPerSide. Next, Pharo will complain that it doesn’t know the meaning of cells. It offers you a number of ways of fixing this. Choose declare instance because we want cells to be an instance variable. Finally, Pharo will complain about the message newCellAt:at: sent on the last line; this is also not a mistake, so confirm that message too.
8 does nothing more than set the cell’s mouseAction variable to the argument, and then answers the new value. Any method that changes the value of an instance variable in this way is called a setter method; a method that answers the current value of an instance variable is called a getter method. If you are used to getters and setters in other programming languages, you might expect these methods to be called setmouseAction and getmouseAction. The Smalltalk convention is different. A getter always has the same name as the variable it gets, and a setter is named similarly, but with a trailing “:”, hence mouseAction and mouseAction:.
Matrix new: n tabulate: [ :i :j | self newCellAt: i at: j ] creates a new n×n matrix and initializes its elements. The initial value of each element will depend on its coordinates. The (i,j)th element will be initialized to the result of evaluating self newCellAt: i at: j. 7 Organizing methods into protocols Before we define any more methods, let’s take a quick look at the third pane at the top of the browser. In the same way that the first pane of the browser lets us categorize classes into packages so we are not overwhelmed by a very long list of class names in the second pane, so the third pane lets us categorize methods so that we are not overwhelmed by a very long list of method names in the fourth pane.
Pharo by Example by Oscar Nierstrasz, Stéphane Ducasse, Damien Pollet
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