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Download e-book for iPad: Parametric X-Ray Radiation in Crystals: Theory, Experiment by Vladimir G. Baryshevsky, Ilya D. Feranchuk, Alexander P.

By Vladimir G. Baryshevsky, Ilya D. Feranchuk, Alexander P. Ulyanenkov

ISBN-10: 3540269053

ISBN-13: 9783540269052

This systematic and finished monograph is dedicated to parametric X-ray radiation (PXR). This radiation is generated by way of the movement of electrons within a crystal, wherein the emitted photons are diffracted by means of the crystal and the radiation depth significantly depends on the parameters of the crystal constitution. these days PXR is the topic of diverse theoretical and experimental reviews through the international. the 1st a part of the e-book is a theoretical remedy of PXR, which incorporates a new method of describe the radiation procedure in crystals. the second one half is a survey of PXR experimental effects and the prospective purposes of PXR as a device for crystal constitution research and a resource of tunable X-ray radiation.

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Belarusian Acad. Sci. 18, 499 (1974) 22 12. G. D. Feranchuk: J. Phys. (Paris) 44, 913 (1983) 38 13. G. D. O. V. Ivashin: Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 249, 306 (1986) 22 14. B. Batterman, H. Cole: Rev. Mod. Phys. 36, 681 (1964) 38 15. A. K. Zhevago: Radiation from High Energy Particles in Media and External Fields (Nauka, Moscow 1988) 20, 21 16. M. Born, E. Wolf: Principles of Optics (Pergamon Elmsford, New York 1975) p 328 23 17. D. Feranchuk: Coherent phenomena in the processes of X-ray and gammaradiation from relativistic charged particles in crystals.

For the plane sets with reciprocal vectors 28 2 Classical Theory of Radiation gm = 2π d{hkl} mZ {hkl} , m = 1, 2, . . , d{hkl} = √ h2 a , + k 2 + l2 where a is a lattice constant and Z {hkl} is a normal to the planes. The angle (m) θB does not depend on m because sin θB = (Z {hkl} v)/v, and frequencies ωB (m) and vectors kB follow from (m) ωB (m) kB πc , d{hkl} sin θB ω{hkl} v 2π = + Z {hkl} . 35) which leads to sin2 νL ≈ πLδ(ν) = 2πLvδ[ω + v(gz − kz )] . 36) The most specific feature of PXR is that peak distribution is independent of the energy of a particle.

32) for PGR in a thin crystal is modified to [17] Wg(s) = (j k es )([pg v][pg j kg ]) 2K + 1 q2 ngr Q(k, kg ) 2 4π ωr2 c3 2K0 + 1 2(ω − ωr + iΓ/2) × 1 [(k − g)2⊥ + ω2 v2 γ 2 4 sin2 (ω/v − kz + gz )L/2 . 56) Here ngr is a Fourier component of the density distribution of resonant nuclei; kg = k+g; K and K0 are the moments of principal and excited nucleus states, respectively, and j k is a matrix element of the electromagnetic current, which defines the resonant transition between principal |0 and excited |1 nucleus states: ˆ n e−ikrn |0 , j k = 1|e(v) where |j 0 |2 = cΓ1 /2 and Γ1 is an elastic width of transition.

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Parametric X-Ray Radiation in Crystals: Theory, Experiment and Applications by Vladimir G. Baryshevsky, Ilya D. Feranchuk, Alexander P. Ulyanenkov

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