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By Clifford D. Simak

ISBN-10: 0749305924

ISBN-13: 9780749305925

Coming from the longer term, our kid's little ones walked via holes within the air. The holes have been time tunnels and down them have been fleeing our after-generations, escaping from an invasion of clever but murderously savage extraterrestrial beings. From the writer of "Ring round the Sun".

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Just let me know when you want me. Although I'm not just sure how much I can do for you. Let me ask around some, talk to some of the other boys. " "I'm not entirely sure. That's something I'll need some help in working out. On the face of it, we can't do the kind of job that's called for under existing circumstances. The government can't assume alone the kind of costs that would be involved - I'm not thinking just of the tunnels. I have no idea so far what they would involve. But we would need to furnish the resources for an entire new civilization to start over once again and that would cost a lot of money.

The President hung up and buzzed Kim. "Ask Steve to come in," he said when she opened the door. He tilted back in his chair and locked his hands behind his head, staring at the ceiling. Less than five hours ago, he thought, he'd stretched out for a nap, looking forward to a lazy Sunday afternoon. He didn't get many lazy afternoons and when they came he treasured them. He'd no more than shut his eyes than the world had fallen in on him. Christ, he asked himself, what am I to do? What can I do?

Once we get an idea or two shaped up, we can see what some of the others think. Pool our ideas, trade them back and forth. But we can't take much time. " "You are sure there are people from up ahead who can explain these tunnels? Well enough so that our scientists and engineers can understand the principles involved and the technology well enough so it can be done - hell, Mr. President, this is sheer insanity. American labor building time tunnels! This must be all a dream. " "I'm afraid," said the President, "it is neither.

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Our Children's Children by Clifford D. Simak

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