By Giuseppe Zibordi, Craig J. Donlon, Albert C. Parr Ph.D. MS in Physics BS in Physics with Honors and BS in Mathematics
ISBN-10: 0124169945
ISBN-13: 9780124169944
ISBN-10: 0124170110
ISBN-13: 9780124170117
This publication offers the cutting-edge of optical distant sensing utilized for the iteration of marine climate-quality info items, with contributions by way of overseas specialists within the box. The chapters are logically grouped into six thematic elements, each one brought by way of a short evaluate. the various components comprise: i. necessities for the new release of weather info files from satellite tv for pc ocean measurements and also easy radiometry rules addressing terminology, criteria, dimension equation and uncertainties; ii. satellite tv for pc obvious and thermal infrared radiometry embracing device layout, characterization and, pre- and post-launch calibration; iii. in situ obvious and thermal infrared radiometry together with overviews on easy ideas, know-how and measurements equipment required to aid satellite tv for pc missions dedicated to weather switch investigations; iv. simulations as primary instruments to help interpretation and research of either in situ and satellite tv for pc radiometric measurements; v. techniques for in situ radiometry to meet venture specifications for the iteration of weather information documents; and eventually, vi. tools for the evaluate of satellite tv for pc facts products.
Fundamentals of size concept are taken via to implementation of sensible floor established radiometers and their program to validate satellite tv for pc facts used to generate weather information files. This booklet provides sensible ideas for these concerned or considering the validation of optical weather measurements from satellite tv for pc instruments.
- Exhaustive insurance of significant topics
- Fundamental and complicated discussions of many sorts of instruments
- Emphasis on calibration and uncertainty research of results
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If this is the case Eqn (15) becomes, Z Z Z Z dA1 cos q1 dA2 cos q2 h L1 dA1 pdF12 F1 ¼ L1 R2 (16) F12 A1 A2 A1 ¼ L1 A1 p F12 ¼ L1 T12 ; where F12 only depends on the geometry and is called the configuration factor, see Appendix 3 in Chapter 4 of [10]. Other terms for the configuration factor are view, shape or exchange factor. Then, for uniform and Lambertian sources, this geometric term can be looked up in the literature [16,17] or evaluated 22 Optical Radiometry for Ocean Climate Measurements using numerical techniques.
30 Optical Radiometry for Ocean Climate Measurements Breault gives an excellent discussion on this topic [29], which, if neglected, will lead to unwanted scattered light in the optical system. 2. RADIOMETRIC STANDARDS AND SCALE REALIZATIONS In this section we give examples of radiometric source and detector standards, including descriptions of how the associated radiometric scales are realized. The methods of scale realization result in the ability at a laboratory, typically a National Measurement Institute (NMI) to assign values of spectral (ir)radiance, spectral (ir)radiance responsivity, spectral BRDF (and related reflectance quantities), or aperture area to particular artifacts.
In this way, the metrological traceability of the user’s results is established. The formal definition of metrological traceability is property of a measurement result whereby the result can be related to a reference through a documented unbroken chain of calibrations, each contributing to the measurement uncertainty [4]. Metrological traceability is critical for climate change research because inherent to the principle is the concept of establishing a calibration hierarchy, which includes estimates of measurement uncertainty.
Optical radiometry for ocean climate measurements by Giuseppe Zibordi, Craig J. Donlon, Albert C. Parr Ph.D. MS in Physics BS in Physics with Honors and BS in Mathematics
by Steven