By E L. 1879- Gruber
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Telescope and the Aiming Circle are correctly adjusted the following conditions prevail: Telescope properly focused; axis of the instrument angle of level to vertical the plane perpendicular of site scale reading 300 when the line of sight is horizontal; lost motion on worm gears eliminated. In principle, the adjustments of the 91. when ; and of the Aiming Circle are exactly the- same. The and focusing have already been described. Detailed instrucleveling tions of the operations in eliminating lost motion in the worm gears will be found in the Handbook for F.
1795, gives very detailed descriptions of the methods of disassembling, repairing mechanisms and optical systems, as well as optical adjustments. Disassembling as permitted therein may be done only by officers and employees of the Ordnance Department. SIGHTS The instruments provided for sighting and laying the gun include a line sight, a rear sight, a front sight, a panoramic sight, and a range 67. quadrant. Line sights* The line sight consists of a conical point as a front and a V notch as a rear sight, located on the top element of the 68.
The two tubes of the telescope either in a vertical or a horizontal position. In the former position the objectives are 12 inches above the eyes of the observer, and in the latter position they are 24 inches apart and at the same height 36 In both cases they permit the observer as the eyes of the observer. some shield or other cover and still obtain a full to take advantage of view of the sector of observation. The tubes may be adjusted for the observer's interpupillary distance in either the vertical or the horiThe eyepieces may be adjusted to the eyes of the obzontal position.
Notes on the 3 inch gun materiel and field artillery equipment by E L. 1879- Gruber
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