By Glenn Greenwald
Libro inchiesta di Glenn Greenwald sul caso Snowden e l. a. sorveglianza elettronica di massa da parte del governo americano: No position to conceal, sotto controllo, un libro importante che ha vinto il premio Pulitzer 2014 e che sembra un romanzo di spionaggio con tutta l’intensità di un thriller.
Il libro prende le mosse dall’inchiesta di Greenwald, giornalista di punta del parent contattato da Snowden alla superb del 2012, e ripercorre tappe, polemiche e retroscena del Datagate, il caso scoppiato in seguito alla pubblicazione di informazioni riservate che hanno sconvolto l. a. politica americana.
Edward Snowden è il giovane informatico che dopo aver lavorato in line with los angeles CIA e l’NSA, l’onnipotente Agenzia in line with los angeles Sicurezza Nazionale americana, a good 2012 sceglie di denunciare il gigantesco programma di sorveglianza di massa che l’NSA ha messo in piedi, “obbligando le società telefoniche a fornire i tabulati di tutte le comunicazioni tra cittadini americani e con l’estero, acquisendo dati dai server dei giganti dell’informatica e di web, spiando chief politici o funzionari europei o aziende concorrenti di società americane, accedendo ai testi di miliardi di e mail, entrando in cellulari e computing device in tutto il mondo…”, un programma che annulla il concetto di privateness e che dà libero accesso a tutti i dati personali a livello internazionale.
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He said printers realize that equal space perhaps should be provided for both sides in a dispute. Since printers tend to conform to this plan, it is not the fault of the press that some are offended. If a printer were to publish only things that would please everybody, very little would be published When men differ in opinion, both sides ought equally to have the advantage of being heard by the publick; when truth and error have fair play, the former is always an overmatch for the latter. M 1733 John Peter Zenger began his Journal which published articles written by several persons who attacked government measures.
He had won a 31 pound, 7 shilling award in 1765 from the General Court. M 1767 Publication ofLetters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies, a series of newspaper articles, was published in the Pennsylvania Chronicle. 29 A Freeborn American claimed that the society whose laws least restrain the words and actions of its members is most free in an article in the Boston Gazette and Country Journal. "30 Chief Justice Thomas Hutchison of Massachusetts told the press not to meddle with his court.
Saying the Intolerable Acts could be ignored were adopted by the Continental Congress. April 1775—The Battles of Lexington and Concord. 1760 Through 1786 / 27 May 1775—The Continental Congress invited Canada to join the struggle in the Quebec declaration. July and August 1776—The Declaration of Independence was finalized. Freedom of Expression 1760 Briton Hammond, a Boston Black man, wrote and published his biography. n 1761 Jupiter Hammond, a slave living in Long Island, published several poems.
No Place to Hide - Sotto controllo_ Edward Snowden e la sorveglianza di massa by Glenn Greenwald
by Steven