By Leonidas Donskis
ISBN-10: 9042032774
ISBN-13: 9789042032774
This quantity is an try and reconsider Niccolò Machiavelli, the most demanding political thinkers within the background of eu political notion. In 2013, we are going to mark 500 years given that Machiavelli wrote his difficult letter to Lorenzo de' Medici, Il Principe. This e-book is an activity to hide the most advanced elements of Machiavelli's existence and paintings
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18) Now, that princes of any genre throughout all times did not take their promises too seriously, is known only too well. The scandal is only that Machiavelli does not hesitate one second to speak it out in everyday, vulgar terminology. He UHIXVHVWRSDUWLFLSDWHLQWKHJDPHRIYHUEDOFDPRXÀDJH Pecca Fortiter I have tried to analyze the structure of Machiavelli’s thought from a methodological point, or, to be exact, from the point of moral theory. The structure of a moral system with strict terminological coherence or consistency can be seen ZLWKVSHFLDOFODULW\LQWKH¿HOGRISROLWLFV,QSULQFLSOHKRZHYHULWLVDXQLYHUVDO structure with many possible applications.
This provoked violent disturbances in Rome and in the army, who, having been joined by the people of Rome, marched to the Mons Sacer, where they remained until the Decemvirs abdicated their magistracy, and the Consuls and Tribunes were re-established, and Rome was restored to its ancient liberty and form of government. (Discourses, p. 184f) In his analysis of this historical event, Machiavelli argues that here we must note that the necessity of creating the tyranny of the Decemvirs in Rome arose from the same causes that generally produce tyrannies in cities; that is to say, the too great desire of the people to be free, and the equally too great desire of the nobles to dominate.
Yet, Machiavelli’s belief in Republics to be the most stable political system becomes obvious from his writings. The costs in taking political systems by force and to establish a princely power are likely to be prohibitive compared to capture of power in D SULQFLSDOLW\ ³«LQ UHSXEOLFV WKHUH LV JUHDWHU OLIH JUHDWHU KDWUHG DQG PRUH desire for vengeance; they do not and cannot cast aside the memory of their ancient liberty, so that the surest way is either to lay them waste or reside in WKHP´The Prince, 1952, p.
Niccolo Machiavelli: History, Power, and Virtue by Leonidas Donskis
by David