By Katherine Verdery
ISBN-10: 0520072162
ISBN-13: 9780520072169
The present transformation of many japanese eu societies is most unlikely to appreciate with out comprehending the highbrow struggles surrounding nationalism within the zone. Anthropologist Katherine Verdery exhibits how the instance of Romania means that present ethnic tensions come no longer from a resurrection of pre-Communist Nationalism yet from the strengthening of nationwide ideologies lower than Communist social gathering rule.
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22 Any mobilization o f symbolic capital in such disputes is relative, however, to recognition o f it: that is, one's version o f reality will not be accepted by people who have not learned the distinctions upon which one's claim to status, or one's authority, rests. This means that any claim to competence, to scientific authority, to stature in the cultural world requires a corresponding recognition somewhere else in society—first by other "intellectuals" accepting or contesting one's claims, but be yond this by holders o f power, who thereby authorize the view pre sented, or by others in the broader public.
Although this book focuses on the analysis o f texts, it does so through an anthro pological method that supplements a reading o f texts with fieldwork. "Supplements" is perhaps the wrong term, for what an ethnographic 20 INTRODUCTION approach to textual analysis entails is a thorough-going revision o f the idea o f reading. Fieldwork places the texts themselves within the con text o f sets o f social relations. It substitutes for the relation "text: reader [analyst]" a whole nexus o f relations among producers o f texts—who are also readers for one another—and the institutions they inhabit; all o f these also bear a relation to the world o f the "reader [analyst]," as I show clearly in these pages.
T h e winning o f in dependence in 1 8 7 7 / 1 8 7 8 coincided, then, with the ascendancy o f a Romanian state apparatus over market-based economic change; hence forth, in Romania as elsewhere in Eastern Europe, the state (and its oc cupants) would exercise a strong hand in directing economic growth, and arguments about the direction o f such growth would become inte gral to political discourse. 14 15 16 The process whereby Romanians created a state and achieved inde pendence involved even more resolute manipulation o f allies in "Eu rope" than before and even more determined representations o f Roma nians' western nature.
National ideology under socialism: identity and cultural politics in Ceauşescu's Romania by Katherine Verdery
by Charles