By Young Adult Library Services Association
ISBN-10: 0838935532
ISBN-13: 9780838935538
ISBN-10: 0838998062
ISBN-13: 9780838998069
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From Harper’s Anthology of 20th Century Native American Poetry, edited by Duane Niatum 19 Varieties of Gazelle: Poems of the Middle East, Naomi Shihab Nye (2002), 2004 Another world, another culture—poems that personalize the conflicts and people, deepening understanding of the impact of September 11th. ) (1973), 1988 From Robert Frost to Erica Jong, Untermeyer discusses fifty years of radical change, new tones, new techniques, and a diversity of voices. ) (1993), 1999 Shakespeare, English and American ballads, and the classics most of us remember and love are part of the treasure found in this publication.
DRAMA—Plays 31 Dream on Monkey Mountain, and Other Plays, Derek Walcott (1970), 1994 An old man in the West Indies searches for meaning, identity, and relevance. Driving Miss Daisy, Alfred Uhry (1988), 1999 Over the years, the Southern and headstrong Miss Daisy and her black chauffeur, Hoke, develop a deep and abiding friendship. The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds: A Drama in Two Acts, Paul Zindel (1970), 1976, 1991 Tillie escapes a nightmarish life by burying herself in a scientific experiment in school.
Push, Sapphire (1996), 2004 Precious Jones is a survivor. She had her father’s baby at 12 and now, at 16, she is pregnant by him again. But an alternative school, a dedicated teacher, and classmates who understand help her fight back. The Queen’s Gambit, Walter S. Tevis (1983), 1991 Beth Harmon is taught to play chess by the janitor in her orphanage. She jeopardizes her achievements by personal doubts and dependence on drugs and alcohol. Quo Vadis, Henryk Sienkiewicz (1896), 1959, 1963, 1965, 1967 The immorality of the first-century Romans is a contrast to the purity of the Christians in ancient Rome.
More Outstanding Books for the College Bound by Young Adult Library Services Association
by John