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Oil Companies International Marine Forum's Mooring Equipment Guidelines: 3rd Ed. ( MEG3 ) PDF

By Oil Companies International Marine Forum

ISBN-10: 1905331320

ISBN-13: 9781905331321

Oil businesses overseas Marine discussion board (OCIMF) first released "Mooring gear directions" in 1992 and this most modern, 3rd version presents a big revision and replace to the unique content material to mirror adjustments in send and terminal layout, working practices and advances in expertise. those directions hide the minimal instructed OCIMF mooring standards.

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Extra info for Mooring Equipment Guidelines: 3rd Ed. ( MEG3 )

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S. force is available. S. force has significant item-foritem advantages, it is operating at a disadvantage because the adversary is able to use foliage and terrain. S. equipment for this study. S. forces, the availability and reliability of only the Big 3 elements were varied. S. and enemy equipment. 8For this particular part of the study we did not include the possible effects of equipment reliability during the engagement. S. equipment entities divided by the initial number of all Red shooters).

38 Briefing Outline • Methodological Approach • Legacy Force Issues • Objective Force Issues • Contributions of supportability and other BCT characteristics • Summary and Conclusions We now address the issue of the relative contributions of equipment supportability and other performance-enhancing characteristics for the Objective Force’s BCT, which is currently being called the Unit of Action. 39 Objective Force Evaluation • • • • Same Kosovo scenario Threat upgraded − FLIR − Better tank armament − Upgraded anti-tank weapons FCS (LAV) replaces the M1, M2 and HMMWV BCT configurations were developed for an ASB study − “Vanilla” − Substitute robotic vehicles for some FCSs − Arm robotic vehicles − Add “Quickdraw” to armed robotic vehicles − Add active protection system (APS) to all combat vehicles Our analysis of Objective Force BCT supportability issues is based on an earlier RAND Arroyo Center study for the Army Science Board (ASB).

The Effects of Equipment Age on Mission Critical Failure Rates: A Study of M1 Tanks,” RAND, unpublished. 35 loss exchange rate provides insight into how changes in availability affect combat outcomes. As the chart shows, the combat capability of the force degrades further as the force ages and reliability degrades. 87, the number of Red elements killed drops to about 45 (out of an initial number of 488 Red elements), and the size of the Big 3 occupying force is only about 75 vehicles (out of an original Big 3 force size of 258 vehicles), only about one-third as large as for the base case.

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Mooring Equipment Guidelines: 3rd Ed. ( MEG3 ) by Oil Companies International Marine Forum

by Edward

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