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R. W. Munn (auth.), P. I. Lazarev (eds.)'s Molecular Electronics: Materials and Methods PDF

By R. W. Munn (auth.), P. I. Lazarev (eds.)

ISBN-10: 9401055009

ISBN-13: 9789401055000

ISBN-10: 9401133921

ISBN-13: 9789401133920

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V2»/2kT] - - (1 - qR)Wn exp[(I - In + ea(Vi. - (10) V2»/2kT)} . In principle, all parameters of Equation (10), except the Wns, can be extracted from the available physical information. EL(n - I))} (12) - (13) with the additional normalizing conditions :E W = 1. (14) n Separate terms in Equations (12) and (13) correspond to the individual electron transitions C--L, C---R. The designations for the C---L transitions are the same as that for the C---R in Equation (3). E(n,n - 1)], following from Equations (9) and (10).

1980) 'Theory of Rate Processes in Condensed Media', Berlin, Springer, 116 p. B. P. (1984) 'Electron Transport in the Biological Systems', Moscow, Nauka (in Russian). K. D. M. R. Acad. Sci. R. P. Atanasov Central Laboratory of Biophysics Bulgarian Acad. Sci.! Sofia 1113, Bulgaria ABSTRACT. A new approach to the problem of electron states in the protein molecule is described. A 'dielectric cavity' model is used for the protein globule as a basis for the consideration of the extended states which are mostly formed by the polarization field of the protein macromolecule.

3. Mechanistic Interpretation A variety of elastic processes could mediate the energy loan. , 1989) has proposed that soliton propagation and fusion could provide a basis for a pertinent nonthermal motion. Volkenstein (1981) has proposed a model of enzyme action based on electronic-conformational interactions that can also be fit into the general model. Previously we proposed an exotic mechanism based on transient pairing of parallel spin electrons (Conrad, 1978a, 1978b). It could be classified as an electronic-conformational interaction in that the falling of the paired electrons to an unstable ground state of lower energy allows for an energy loan that "finances" the nuclear configurational motion that draws in the substrate.

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Molecular Electronics: Materials and Methods by R. W. Munn (auth.), P. I. Lazarev (eds.)

by Brian

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