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James A. Blackburn's Modern Instrumentation for Scientists and Engineers PDF

By James A. Blackburn

ISBN-10: 0387950567

ISBN-13: 9780387950563

This contemporary presentation comprehensively addresses the central concerns in sleek instrumentation, yet with out making an attempt an encyclopaedic reference. It covers an important subject matters in electronics, sensors, measurements and acquisition platforms, and should be an critical reference for readers in a wide selection of disciplines.

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Capacitance bridge. these expressions yields the condition for balance: Z1/Z3 = Z2/Z4. 14) The composition of possible "unknowns" is endless, but a few examples will illustrate the basic principles involved. Nonideal Capacitance Suppose the unknown component is a lossy capacitor, represented as an ideal capacitance Cx shunted by a resistance Rx. The bridge arrangement is shown in Fig. 4. In practice, the bridge is balanced by varying both the capacitor C\ and the resistor R1 until no ac signal is detected across the bridge output nodes.

With the addition of a few resistors, amplifiers possessing improved performance and reasonable overall gain can be achieved, as we shall now see. 1 NONINVERTING AMPLIFIER Consider the schematic in Fig. 3. The combination of R1 and RF acts as a simple voltage divider on Vout, so Also, from the fundamental relationship for a differential amplifier, Vout = A [ V i n - V 1 ] . 3. Noninverting amplifier based on a single op-amp. 40 5. 2) The square bracket in this equation is a numerical factor relating output to input voltage for the particular configuration selected here.

5 dB) at a value of f called the corner frequency, fc; here fc 4 x 104 Hz. Whereas the specific numbers that appear in Figs. 13 are particular to a given type of operational amplifier (324 in this example), the slope of the linear asymptote is the same for all op-amps. The reason for such a rate of decrease of gain will be made clear in the next section. From the preceding discussion, it can be seen that to a first approximation amplifier gain is flat to a corner frequency, after which it rolls off at 20 dB/ decade.

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Modern Instrumentation for Scientists and Engineers by James A. Blackburn

by James

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