By Dayton Haskin
ISBN-10: 081223281X
ISBN-13: 9780812232813
John Milton (1608 - 1674) was once an English poet, guy of letters, expert debater and a civil servant for the Commonwealth of britain lower than Oliver Cromwell. He wrote at a time of spiritual flux and political upheaval, and is better recognized for his epic poem Paradise misplaced, written in clean verse.
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Others did, though not necessarily by opening their Bibles at random. 41 Page 23 Dozens of ordinary Biblereaders have left abundant signs that introspective Biblereading did not always yield "sweet correspondency" but rather damaging results. The writer had been familiar with the Bible since childhood, and the crisis occurred in adult life: when I read the Scriptures, I found eevery [sic] threatning and judgement therin, that I fixed my thoughts upon, to speak terror to my soul; and my distraction was so great, that my friends said that I was mad, and kept the Bible from me.
Still, his observations serve to illustrate the sorts of concerns that the theory about temporary faith was meant to allay. Reprobates who seemed for a time to have faith ultimately revealed that they had been predestined to revert to the state of damnation. After the rise of the sects, the sheer diversity of religious opinions proved a scandal, and many were tempted to abandon a faith that suddenly seemed a human invention. In 1649, Francis Roberts, giving directions for how to read the Bible, told how Augustine had found great "comfort" and "delight" when he responded to the tolle, lege.
41 Page 23 Dozens of ordinary Biblereaders have left abundant signs that introspective Biblereading did not always yield "sweet correspondency" but rather damaging results. The writer had been familiar with the Bible since childhood, and the crisis occurred in adult life: when I read the Scriptures, I found eevery [sic] threatning and judgement therin, that I fixed my thoughts upon, to speak terror to my soul; and my distraction was so great, that my friends said that I was mad, and kept the Bible from me.
Milton's burden of interpretation by Dayton Haskin
by Paul