By F. T. Arecchi (auth.), A. R. Bishop, V. L. Pokrovsky, V. Tognetti (eds.)
ISBN-10: 1468459619
ISBN-13: 9781468459616
ISBN-10: 1468459635
ISBN-13: 9781468459630
Complexity and Chaos: area Time Complexity in Quantum Optics; F.T. Arecchi. serious Phenomena in Hamiltonian Chaos; B.V. Chirikov. Statistical homes of the Transition to Spatiotemporal Chaos; S. Ciliberto. Time Evolution of Random mobile styles; K. Kawasaki, et al.Coherent Structures: Bipolaronic cost Density Waves; S. Aubry. Polarons in Quasi-One-Dimensional fabrics; D. Baeriswyl. Solitons responsible Density Wave Crystals; S. Brazovskii, et al. Hydrodynamics of Classical and Quantum Liquid with loose floor; I.M. Khalatnikov.Physics of Quantum Devices: Oscillations as a result of Many-Body results in Resonant Tunneling; F. Capasso, et al. machine Simulation of Tunneling in Atomic-Size units; H. De Raedt. Quantum Ballistic shipping; Y.B. Levinson. Few comments approximately SmallCapacitance Josephson Junctions; A. Tagliacozzo, et al.Field thought and Statistical Mechanics: Raman Scattering of sunshine by means of Electrons in Superconducotrs with a Small Correlation size; A.A. Abrikosov, et al.Quantum Solitons on Quantum Chaos: Coherent buildings, Anyons, and Statistical Mechanics R.K. Bullough, et al. Stark influence for distinction Schrödinger Operator; E.I. Dinaburg. 28 extra articles. Index.
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Complexity and Chaos: area Time Complexity in Quantum Optics; F. T. Arecchi. serious Phenomena in Hamiltonian Chaos; B. V. Chirikov. Statistical houses of the Transition to Spatiotemporal Chaos; S. Ciliberto. Time Evolution of Random mobile styles; ok. Kawasaki, et al. Coherent buildings: Bipolaronic cost Density Waves; S.
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3D ,31 Let us begin with a simpler problem of an isolated critical KAM curve whose rotation number is some irrational 'T". According to the KAM theory most invariant curves are preserved under a sufficiently weak perturbation in the sense that they remain 28 Per) -, 10 -9 10 Fig. 3. Statistical properties of motion with chaos border: (a) Poincare's recurrences; (1)) correlation decay. 7)27 while circles are our data for ,\ = 3. Straight lines indicate power law with the exponent shown. Dashed curve is the effect of noise.
6) is the periodicity not only in X but also in y with the same period 27r. 3). 3) for the diffusion rate as K ~ KG. For K > KG the last (most robust) KAM curve is destroyed and transformed into a chaotic layer comprising all critical scales qn :<:, qE: where qE: '" c- 1 , and c = K - KG ~ 0 (see Eq. 19) and around). This chaotic layer is just the critical 'bottleneck' which controls the transition time between integer resonances r = m, and hence, global diffusion. The time scale in the layer is '" qE:, and the same is for the exit time (t) from the layer.
M. , Lecture Notes in Physics 38 (1975) 112; J. , 93 (1979) 232. 13. B. G. Konopelchenko, Nonlinear Integrable Equations, Lecture Notes in Physics 270 (1987). 14. B. V. Chirikov and V. V. , Academic Press, 1990, p. 219. 15. V. I. Arnold and A. Avez, Ergodic Problems in Classical Mechanics, Benjamin, 1968. 16. B. V. Chirikov, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A 413 (1987) 145. 17. A. , Phys. Rev. A 23 (1981) 2664. 18. B. V. Chirikov, D. L. Shepelyansky, Radiofizika 29 (1986) 1041. 19. F. Vivaldi, private communication.
Microscopic Aspects of Nonlinearity in Condensed Matter by F. T. Arecchi (auth.), A. R. Bishop, V. L. Pokrovsky, V. Tognetti (eds.)
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