By Marc Raeff
ISBN-10: 9024704553
ISBN-13: 9789024704552
ISBN-10: 9401174954
ISBN-13: 9789401174954
"An autocracy tempered via assassination", smart foreigners used to claim in regards to the Russian empire within the 18th and nineteenth centuries. With this bon mot the common interest concerning the Tsars' executive used to be chuffed and there little need to appear extra into the problem. there has been, at the floor of items, a few justification for this sort of definition: many rulers had suffered violent loss of life and little did the autocracy hamper among 1725 and 1905. The influence created via tourists, by means of historians and reporters, in addition to via Russia's personal discontented intelligentsia used to be that not anything fairly ever replaced in Russia, that the autocracy used to be an analogous in 1905 because it have been on the demise of Peter the nice in 1725. now not that the skin international had remained blind to the efforts at reform, the adjustments, and the modernization wrought in Russia because the day Peter I had "cut a window into Europe. " however the winning opinion was once that such adjustments as happened have been basically exterior and didn't impact the basic constitution of the govt or of society.
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Perhaps he needed this kind of relief after spending his days with aristocratic high officials and dignitaries who were well above him in social status. But could he really feel exhilaratingly free amidst these intimate friends? Hardly, for how could he feel free in the midst of cringing and flattering individuals of much lower intellectual powers than he? Speransky's friends are overly servile, too humbly devoted to him, though no doubt sincerely so, and to see Speransky in their company makes an unpleasant impression on the observer; an impression which Tolstoy has masterfully conveyed in his description of Prince Andrei's visit to the State Secretary's home.
The discussion and description of ecclesiastic ,semjnaries is based on: F. N. Beliavskii, 0 retorme dukhovnoi shkoly, part I, St. Pbg. 1907; G. Florovskii, Puti russkogo bogosloviia, Parizh 1937 (Particularly Chapter IV, section 4); Dm. Protopopov, "Neskol'ko slov 0 Speranskom" (iz pis'ma k aka,demiku la. Grotu, 11. XII. 1861) Russkii Arkhiv, 1876, pp. 225-230; B. V. , vyp. I, Vil'na 1908; P. Znamenskii, Dukhovnye shkoly v Rossii do retormy 1808 g, Kazan' 1881. CHAPTER II THE "CONSTITUTIONALISM" OF EMPEROR ALEXANDER I Rarely had an Emperor's death been greeted with more unabashed joy and happiness than the sudden end of Paul I on the night of March 11-12, 1801.
I. Semevskii, "Pervyi politicheskii traktat Speranskogo," Russkoe Bogatstvo, 1907, No. I, p. 57. 2 In 1801, upon the accession of Alexander I, Count A. Vorontsov submitted the proposal for a "Charter to the Russian people" by which the Emperor would guarantee certain basic rights to his subjects and set forth the guiding principles of his reign. The draft for this Charter was prepared by A. Radishchev, the final text is in Speransky's hand. On the evidence of this latter fact it was thought that Speransky was one of the authors of this Charter.
Michael Speransky Statesman of Imperial Russia 1772–1839 by Marc Raeff
by Edward