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David Beer's Metric Power PDF

By David Beer

ISBN-10: 113755648X

ISBN-13: 9781137556486

ISBN-10: 1137556498

ISBN-13: 9781137556493

This publication examines the robust and intensifying function that metrics play in ordering and shaping our daily lives. Focusing upon the interconnections among dimension, circulate and hazard, the writer explores the interwoven kin among energy and metrics. He attracts upon a wide-range of interdisciplinary assets to put those metrics inside their broader historic, political and social contexts. extra particularly, he illuminates a number of the ways in which metrics implicate our lives – from our paintings, to our intake and our relaxation, via to our physically exercises and the monetary and organisational buildings that encompass us. Unravelling the ability dynamics that underpin and stay in the so-called colossal information revolution, he develops the principal idea of Metric Power in addition to a suite of conceptual assets for considering significantly in regards to the robust function performed by means of metrics within the social international this present day.

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Metric Power by David Beer

by Daniel

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