By Jacqueline Hurtado de Barrera
ISBN-10: 9806306066
ISBN-13: 9789806306066
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A physiological gradient along the axis of a plant. Activity is higher at one end and gradually becoming less as it passes along the axis. axil. axila. The angle formed between two or more structures, as between the upper side of a leaf and the supporting stem where buds often are formed; the point of attachment of a bud or shoot other than at the apex of the stem; the angle where a small stem joins a larger one. axile. axial. Positioned or attached to the central axis; also, coinciding with the longitudinal axis.
One year old, as annotinous branches; also, yearly, or in yearly growths. annotinus. anotinus. A Latin word that means, “applied to the branches of the previous year ’s growth”. annual. anual. A plant that completes the life cycle in one year and then dies; of one year’s growth duration from seed to seed production. annual ring. anillo annual. The secondary xylem produced during a single growing season; any of the rings of heart wood (xylem) that are seen when a tree trunk is cut across; also, referred to as growth rings.
A Greek and Latin prefix that means, “the base” or “positioned at or near the base”. basic. básico. 0; also, having a large number of hydroxyl (OH). basic dye. colorante básico. A stain having an organic basic radicle which is active and combines with an acidic radicle which is usually inorganic. They stain nucleoprotein. basic type. tipo básico. The chromosome complement characteristic of a species and varying only in heterozygotes. basicidal capsule. cápsula basicida. A capsule that opens or dehisces through basal slits or fissures, as in some species of birthworts (Aristolochiaceae).
Metodología de investigación holística by Jacqueline Hurtado de Barrera
by Donald