By Caterina Doglioni
ISBN-10: 3642305377
ISBN-13: 9783642305375
ISBN-10: 3642305385
ISBN-13: 9783642305382
Tests of the present figuring out of physics on the optimum energies conceivable in man-made experiments are played at CERN’s huge Hadron Collider. within the conception of the powerful strength in the ordinary version of particle physics - Quantum ChromoDynamics or QCD - restrained quarks and gluons from the proton-proton scattering occur themselves as teams of collimated debris. those debris are clustered into bodily measurable items referred to as hadronic jets. As jets are broadly produced at hadron colliders, they're the main physics items for an early "rediscovery of QCD". This thesis offers the 1st jet size from the ATLAS Collaboration on the LHC and confronts the experimental demanding situations of precision measurements. Inclusive jet pass part information are then used to enhance the data of the momentum distribution of quarks and gluons in the proton and of the value of the robust force.
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Example text
2. The starting point for the calibration of all energy deposits, hadronic or electromagnetic, is a measurement of the energy deposited in the single readout cell at the electromagnetic scale (also called EM-scale in the following). The ATLAS calorimeters and the procedure to set the electromagnetic scale are described in the following sections. 1 Electromagnetic Calorimeters The ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter (also called LAr calorimeter) employs liquid argon as the active material and lead as absorber.
Measurement of pion and proton response and longitudinal shower profiles up to 20 nuclear interaction lengths with the ATLAS Tile calorimeter. Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 615, 158–181 (2010) 35. ATLAS Collaboration, Response and Shower Topology of 2 to 180 GeV Pions Measured with the ATLAS Barrel Calorimeter at the CERN Test-beam and Comparison to Monte Carlo Simulations, ATL-CAL-PUB-2010-001, CERN, Geneva, May 2010 36. ATLAS Collaboration, Study of energy response and resolution of the ATLAS barrel calorimeter to hadrons of energies from 20-GeV to 350-GeV.
The conversion of the raw calorimeter signal into a EM-scale calibrated energy measurement has been described in Sects. 2. A correction for calorimeter non-compensation is needed to restore the final hadronic energy scale (jet energy scale), together with further corrections to take into account effects related to the detector, such as: 1. g. in the FCal) or for cells larger than the tower grid element size, the energy contribution of the cell to the tower is weighted by the ratio of the tower bin area over the cell area in η, φ.
Measurement of the Inclusive Jet Cross Section with the ATLAS Detector at the Large Hadron Collider by Caterina Doglioni
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