By Tai L. Chow
ISBN-10: 0521652278
ISBN-13: 9780521652278
This article is designed for an intermediate-level, two-semester undergraduate path in mathematical physics. It offers an obtainable account of many of the present, very important mathematical instruments required in physics. The booklet bridges the distance among an introductory physics direction and extra complicated classes in classical mechanics, electrical energy and magnetism, quantum mechanics, and thermal and statistical physics. It features a huge variety of labored examples to demonstrate the mathematical suggestions built and to teach their relevance to physics. The hugely geared up assurance permits teachers to educate the fundamentals in a single semester. The e-book may be utilized in classes in engineering, astronomy, and arithmetic.
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Example text
In ¯uid dynamics, the curl of the velocity ®eld v r is called its vorticity (for example, the whirls that one creates in a cup of coee on stirring it). If the velocity ®eld is derivable from a potential v r Àr r it must be irrotational (see Eq. 51)). For this reason, an irrotational ¯ow is also called a potential ¯ow, which describes a steady ¯ow of the ¯uid, free of vortices and eddies. One of Maxwell's equations of electromagnetism (AmpeÁre's law) states that r  B 0 j; where B is the magnetic induction, j is the current density (per unit area), and 0 is the permeability of free space.
We now consider the inverse-square central force of gravitational and electrostatics. Newton's second law then gives n; mdv=dt À k=r2 1:36 where n r=r is a unit vector in the r-direction, and k Gm1 m2 for the gravitational force, and k q1 q2 for the electrostatic force in cgs units. First we note that v dr=dt dr=dt n rd n=dt: Then L becomes n  d n=dt: L r  mv mr2 1:37 Now consider d dv k k v  L  L À 2 n  L À 2 n  mr2 n  d n=dt dt dt mr mr Àk n d n=dt Á n À d n=dt n Á n: Since n Á n 1, it follows by dierentiation that n Á d n=dt 0.
In particular, if both divergence and curl are speci®ed everywhere and if they both disappear at in®nity suciently rapidly, then the vector ®eld can be written as a unique sum of an irrotational part and a solenoidal part. In other words, we may write V r Àr r r  A r; 1:89 where Àr is the irrotational part and r  A is the solenoidal part, and (r) and A r are called the scalar and the vector potential, respectively, of V r). If both A and can be determined, the theorem is veri®ed.
Mathematical Methods for Physicists: A Concise Introduction by Tai L. Chow
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