By Lawrence C. Pope, Charles W. Ward, ASTM Committee E-29 on Particle and Spray Characterization, American Society for Testing and Materials
ISBN-10: 0803124953
ISBN-13: 9780803124950
Meant to be used as a complement to many released ASTM criteria when it comes to the sieve research of fabrics, this guide brings jointly from many assets confirmed equipment for making trustworthy sieve analyses. It promotes a basic knowing of particle measurement distribution research utilizing attempt sieves. A convenient advisor for newbies and a very good reference for the extra complicated. For lab technicians, Q&A supervisors, ISO managers within the following industries: mining, building combination, highway and paving, development, cement, plastics, prescription drugs, roofing, metal, and nutrition.
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Additional info for Manual on Test Sieving Methods (Astm Manual Series)
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Standard perforated plates sieves (ASTM E 323"). 127(1/8) VM 3/32 5 4% 33/4 31/8 2^/8 21/2 2'/4 V/t. \% iyi6 11/4 11/8 1 iyi6 y. " gage* " For complete specifications, including permissible variations from normal apertures, plate thickness and other characteristics, and for method of checking, see the most recent ASTM Designation E 323 issued by American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshochocken, PA 19428-2959. ' The values shown in this table refer to both round and square apertures.
Ys 1800 cm' 1600 1400 1000 800 800 600 500 400 400 350 240 200 160 140 120 100 80 70 60 50 40 35 30 25 900 cm' 800 700 500 400 400 300 250 200 200 150 120 100 80 70 60 50 40 35 30 25 20 17 15 12 % Vs 1/2 V>6 Vs V,6 1/4 N o . 31/2 5 7 10 14 18 25 35 45 60 80 120 170 230 325 400 Maximum Permitted Volume on Sieve on Completion of Sieving " The recommended weight of material for a sieve test sample is calculated by multiplying the bulk volume figure in Column 3 by the particular bulk density in grams per cubic centimeter of the material, rounded out within a toTable 5—Suggested Bulk Volume of Test Sample for Sieve Analysis with 8- in.
01) Test Methods for Physical and Chemical Properties of Particulate Ion-Exchange Resins (Vol. 02) Specification for Standard Sand (Vol. 01) Test Method for Particle Size of Soaps and Other Detergents (Vol. 04) Practice for Dry Preparation of Soil Samples for Particle Size Analysis and Determination of Soil Constants (Vol. 08) Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils (Vol. 08) Sieve No. -20 X X MANUAL ON TEST SIEVING METHODS 37 TABLE 7—(Continued)—List of ASTM published standards on sieve analysis procedures for specific materials or industries.
Manual on Test Sieving Methods (Astm Manual Series) by Lawrence C. Pope, Charles W. Ward, ASTM Committee E-29 on Particle and Spray Characterization, American Society for Testing and Materials
by Christopher