By Werner Müller (auth.)
ISBN-10: 3540176969
ISBN-13: 9783540176961
ISBN-10: 3540477624
ISBN-13: 9783540477624
The manifolds investigated during this monograph are generalizations of (XX)-rank one in the neighborhood symmetric areas. within the first a part of the ebook the writer develops spectral concept for the differential Laplacian operator linked to the so-called generalized Dirac operators on manifolds with cusps of rank one. This comprises the case of spinor Laplacians on (XX)-rank one in the neighborhood symmetric areas. The time-dependent method of scattering thought is taken to derive the most effects concerning the spectral answer of those operators. the second one a part of the booklet offers with the derivation of an index formulation for generalized Dirac operators on manifolds with cusps of rank one. This index formulation is used to turn out a conjecture of Hirzebruch about the relation of signature defects of cusps of Hilbert modular forms and specific values of L-series. This publication is meant for readers operating within the box of automorphic varieties and research on non-compact Riemannian manifolds, and assumes an information of PDE, scattering thought and harmonic research on semisimple Lie groups.
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F. A*(X). 18 is of the continuous AP(x). Compared [55]), Enss' with the method is very effective. (ii) Suppose method locally symmetric. 2 can of volume is In this way we recover of be the locally finite for important of result that, symmetric the the regular Casimir of improved X one our cusp. operator, Recently, growth locally [66] . The method in which repre- prove the proof. Donnelly uses modified in by N(X) case. Neumann We can spaces give comparison. that Q-rank one, as easily some the [28] proved the space of be is to a fixed proved This resolves symmetric of Donnelly our X This X = F\G/K belonging Donnelly we obtain case.
Bounded let a cusp N group singularities with cusp assume given This coincides a cusp of e x a m p l e of Hn Yd of manifold ~X = N. Let X be the C ao along their c o m m o n b o u n d a r y . which bounds The particular, and is an a l g e b r a i c is a p a r a b o l i c cusp If we of xk+iYk). of H i r z e b r u c h ' s one N submanifold cusp. vectors Yd with a n-dimensional a neat ( F fl P ( F ) \ D ) to rank that the call tangent with o previous of = In metric construction component For the cusp a single be X X° for our p r o o f a multiple G = Aut(D) ° boundary a the rank unit stable is a m a n i f o l d course, least = G/K X be as use the a Riemannian important repeat folds D 3.
To following : a for which 6 ]R I},l < and f 6 C o ( 1 9 - { a }) c . Then, depends on f for and every m . Choose m , such s > O 6 iN , t h e r e that, for such that exists a t 6 II - {O} 51 and lYl < ~ I t l , one has If e 2 i y X + i t X 2 f ( X 2+a) d Xl < C l t l -m O PROOF. D. Let - If we > ~/z . 35) co and the k=l can be e s t i m a t e d by C l t ! 12) oo ~ 2-~(f n(r,~ Ix[ < c / 2 . 11) L2(FM\XM'EM ) (e-itHoa(Ho)~)(r,x) = Then IXl < ~ - i¢)e - i t ( ¢ 2 + m2/4 + ~ k ) a ( # + m2/4 + ~k )" o • (J~)(c,k)dc))~ k(X) Let co= P v , vE L 2 ( [ c , co) XFM\XM,EM) and p u t w = F*Z*V*Jv + O O wE L2(IR; 2) and J~ = VZ+Fo(X+W) If we use the definition of and F ° , then we get (J~)(¢,k) = 2/~¢ lim X ÷e° ~ e-i(¢Z+m2/4 +~k)Sw(s,k) Then V,Z+ ds , O where the limit is taken in L2 Assume that t > 0.
Manifolds with Cusps of Rank One: Spectral Theory and L2-Index Theorem by Werner Müller (auth.)
by Richard