By Carol Dolman, Marcus Saunders
Moment revised version of an illustrated publication which includes suggestion geared toward these possessing a working laptop or computer for the 1st time.
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Choose the correct capacity. Make your choice of format. Click on Start as shown in Figure 20. Fig. 20. The format dialogue box. Installing a Program from a Floppy Disk (Windows 95/98) When you purchase a program on a floppy disk, it will have some sort of installation routine that does all the necessary work of transferring it from that floppy onto your hard drive. You just have to initiate that routine and confirm certain instructions along the way. Place the floppy into the A:\ drive, click on the start menu and select Run.
At the moment it will be showing untitled - Paint because you have not yet given it a name. Underneath the title bar is a row of words - these are menu options. These menu options appear on all programs. Each one, when clicked on with the mouse, produce a drop-down list of available commands that allows you to perform tasks such as saving your work, printing or altering it. To the right of the title bar are three small icons that look like buttons. The first one resembles a small line or a minus sign, this is the minimise button.
Folders and files can be given any name but for a few exceptions, although it is good practice to use a close description relevant to the contents. File names normally have what is called an extension of three characters after a dot. For example, if you create a file and save it with the name of English Essay, the program will add its own relative extension. doc - although you may not see this extension. Which Characters Cannot be Used in Filenames? 1. Full stops. Because the computer will get confused with its extension.
Managing Your First Computer: How to Perform Core Tasks and Gain Knowledge and Confidence by Carol Dolman, Marcus Saunders
by Edward