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Carolyn Schrock-Shenk's Making peace with conflict: practical skills for conflict PDF

By Carolyn Schrock-Shenk

ISBN-10: 0836191277

ISBN-13: 9780836191271

A realistic advisor to figuring out and reworking clash in line with biblical and Anabaptist ideas. Edited through Carolyn Schrock-Shenk and Lawrence Ressler. two hundred Pages.

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The tensions individuals feel and the way they respond also reflect the assumptions, values, and patterns that the group has put into place. Individuals influence the group, but the group also influences individuals. Transforming conflict requires attention to both aspects. Page 25 1 Introducing Conflict and Conflict Transformation By Carolyn Schrock-Shenk Carolyn Schrock-Shenk has had much conflict experience as wife of Dave and mother of Caleb in addition to roles as daughter, sister, friend, neighbor, coworker, and church member.

The chords of relationship were for a time devastatingly broken. Connectedness: The Essence of Life The Essence of Life Connectednessto God and to that which God createdis the essence of life. It is the meaning for which we search, the food that nour- Page 26 ishes our souls. Little compares to cuddling a sleepy child on one's shoulder, a walk in the woods when God is as present as the trees, the satisfaction of a heart-level conversation bathed with understanding. Connectedness has to do with intimacy.

I was hooked. There was something about this conflict management that had a ring of truth. Since then I've found what Ron said to be true. It hasn't always been easy, and being Hispanic I've had to work at expressing the principles in a variety of forms shaped by diverse cultural contexts. Nevertheless, the basic skills I learned that day have held up in "real" life. Carolyn Schrock-Shenk and Lawrence Ressler have done us a great service by pulling together this book. The many contributors bring to the subject depth and breadth that is biblically grounded, practical, and sensitive to a wide range of perspectives.

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Making peace with conflict: practical skills for conflict transformation by Carolyn Schrock-Shenk

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