By Sijbrand Broersma (auth.)
ISBN-10: 9401767130
ISBN-13: 9789401767132
ISBN-10: 9401767904
ISBN-13: 9789401767903
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Now (3) becomes: M =A (Hc- Ha) (Hc- H~ + Ha- H~) - D~. r Experiments, concerning the dependence of the field strength upon x, show that according to this formula the position becomes unstab]e if x <- 80 mm. This point of instability, however, lies far outside our scale, being ± 15 mm at the place of the cuvette. Still it reminds us of the possibility of such effects. But these are due to the second termin the formula for the force exerted upon the substance (see (1)), neglected in the derivation above; viz.
18) on moving the rodat a uniform velocity. Fig. 18 lf the original field is B 0 = floH0 , then inside the rod we get + yx) so that the jump in B on crossing the rod is yx B 0 • For a long rod y = 1. 5, and ~ the flux through the coil, multiplied with the number of turns. b. Next we consider an iron toroid (see V fig. 2), containing a piece of permanent magnet steel ora current-carrying coil, furthermore a secondar'y coil. Alllines of force go through the toroid, cross a small air slit and do not shift if something changes (otherwise case a).
The discussion of this arrangement is simplified by exchanging the primary and secondary coil. Then again a secondary (S+) is filled with the sample, but it is now placed in the stray field of a small primary coil (P). This means that small displacements of this coil will have large effects. Furthermore M has become small as the coils are placed rather far apart. Therefore we applied the system shown in fig. 14. Fig. 16 c. A third system is based on the application of the h i g h f req u e n c y generator (fig.
Magnetic Measurements on Organic Compounds by Sijbrand Broersma (auth.)
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