By John D. Wilson, Steven G. Kellman
ISBN-10: 1587655470
ISBN-13: 9781587655470
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Extra info for Magill's Literary Annual, 2009
Example text
For Norris, throughout her life, making any commitment was difficult, since the thought of having to follow through on commitments was wearying. Discovering acedia was life-changing for Norris, giving her an understanding of the feeling she had suffered from childhood and still suffers. After this discovery, she spent years in research to broaden and deepen this understanding, and the result is Acedia and Me, which describes the connections between acedia and her nearly thirty-year marriage, her ongoing spiritual journey, and her successful writing life.
810 Bolaño’s five-part saga centers on the vicious murders of young women in a northern Mexican city and the life of a mysterious German writer, Benno von Archimboldi Unaccustomed Earth—Jhumpa Lahiri . . . . . . . . . . . 5, those who were either born in the United States or immigrated as young children The Waitress Was New—Dominique Fabre . . . . . . . . . . 819 In Fabre’s novel, Pierre, the barman at Le Cercle, recounts the events of his final three days at the café, during which his entire lifestyle slips away from him xxxii COMPLETE ANNOTATED LIST OF TITLES Wallace Stegner and the American West—Philip L.
709 The lives of Deeti, Zachary Reid, Paulette Lambert, and Raja Neel Rattan Halder become intertwined as their various paths lead them to the ship Ibis bound for Mauritius with a cargo of indentured laborers The Selected Essays of Gore Vidal—Gore Vidal . . . . . . . . 713 A choice collection of works from one of the United States’ most prolific and provocative writers Selected Poems—Frank O’Hara . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717 O’Hara wrote electric poetry expressing the spirit of the mid-twentieth century New York art world, and this new selection of his work showcases his unique gift Shakespeare’s Wife—Germaine Greer .
Magill's Literary Annual, 2009 by John D. Wilson, Steven G. Kellman
by Anthony