By Jim Butterfield
ISBN-10: 0893036528
ISBN-13: 9780893036522
E-book through Butterfield, Jim
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The C flag may be directly set or reset by means of the instructions SEC (set carry) and CLC (clear carry). We will use these instructions when we begin to deal with addition and subtraction. If you examine the last program of Chapter 2, you will see that the BNE instruction could be replaced by BCC. " The operation would be the same in either case. NF/ag The N (negative) flag is also probably misnamed. It should have been called the HB (high bit) flag, since numbers are positive or negative only if they are used in a certain way.
You might like to try this. You can even "swap" characters around on the screen, if you wish. Two pitfalls may arise. First, you might write a perfect program that places information near the top of the screen; then, when the program finishes, the screen might scroll, and the results would disappear. Second, the VIC and Commodore 64 use color, and you might inadvertently produce whiteon-white characters; these are hard to see. Here's another question. Suppose I asked you to write a program to move the contents of five locations, $D3flD to $03fl4, in an "end-around" fashion, so that the contents of $D3flD moved to $D3fil, $D3fll to $D3flE, and so on, with the contents of $D3fl4 moved to $D3flD.
At the moment, I NX is the one we need for counting: A Q3AA INX Now we can test X to see if it is equal to six yet. The first time around, it won't be since X started at zero and was incremented to a value of 1. If X is not equal to six, we'll go back to $D33E and print another letter. Here's how we code it: A D345 CPX#$Db A Q3A? BNE $D33E CPX stands for compare X; note that we are testing for an immediate value of six, so we use the # symbol. BNE means branch not equal; if X is not equal to six, back we go to address $D33E.
Machine Language for the Commodore 64 and Other Commodore Computers by Jim Butterfield
by Donald