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Download e-book for kindle: Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation: 9th by Donald Sannella (auth.), Annalisa Bossi (eds.)

By Donald Sannella (auth.), Annalisa Bossi (eds.)

ISBN-10: 354045148X

ISBN-13: 9783540451488

ISBN-10: 3540676287

ISBN-13: 9783540676287

This quantity comprises the complaints of the 9th overseas workshop on logic-based application synthesis and transformation (LOPSTR’99) which used to be held in Venice (Italy), September 22-24, 1999. LOPSTRistheannualworkshopandforumforresearchersinthelogic-based application improvement move of computational common sense. the focus was on synthesis and transformation of good judgment courses, however the workshop is open to contributions on logic-based software improvement in any paradigm. earlier workshops have been held in Manchester, united kingdom (1991, 1992), Louvain-la-Neuve, B- gium (1993), Pisa, Italy (1994), Arnhem, The Netherlands (1995), Stockholm, Sweden (1996), Leuven, Belgium (1997), and Manchester, united kingdom (1998). LOPSTR is a true workshop within the feel that it's a pleasant and full of life discussion board for featuring contemporary and present learn in addition to discussing destiny traits. Formal lawsuits of the workshop are produced simply after the workshop and comprise simply these papers chosen by means of this system committee after a moment refereeing method. this system committee of LOPSTR’99 permitted 20 prolonged abstracts for presentation on the workshop; then chosen 14 papers for inclusion within the po- workshop lawsuits. chosen papers disguise all of the major streams of LOPSTR’s themes: synthesis, specialization, transformation, research, and veri?cation. Ve- ?cation, transformation, and specialization equipment are utilized to useful, constraint, good judgment, and crucial programming.

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Extra info for Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation: 9th International Workshop, LOPSTR’99, Venice, Italy, September 22-24, 1999 Selected Papers

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These roles are shown separately in the PersonAsDriver and PersonAsGuest OOD frameworks in Figure 1. If we compose these two PersonAsDriver Car ÖÚ × PersonAsGuest Person ×Ø Ý× Person Motel Fig. 4. PersonAsDriver and PersonAsGuest OOD frameworks. frameworks, then we get the PersonAsDriverGuest OOD framework as shown in Figure 1. In this OOD framework, a person object plays two roles, and is a PersonAsDriverGuest Car ÖÚ × Person ×Ø Ý× Motel Fig. 5. PersonAsDriverGuest OOD framework. composite object of the kind depicted in Figure 3.

Logic of Programs Workshop, LNCS 131, Springer-Verlag, 1981, pp. 52–71. 9. E. Clarke, O. Grumberg and D. Long. “Verification Tools for Finite-State Concurrent Systems”. REX school/symposium on A decade of concurrency: reflections and perspectives, LNCS 803, Springer-Verlag, 1993. 10. P. Cousot and N. Halbwachs. “Automatic Discovery of Linear Restraints Among Variables of A Program”. POPL’78, ACM Press, 1978, pp. 84–97. 11. S. R. V. Ramakrishnan and T. Swift. “Optimizing clause resolution: Beyond unification factoring”.

G. Fusion [4] and Syntropy [5]) cannot. The latter use classes or objects as the basic unit of design or reuse, and are based on the traditional view of an object, as shown in Figure 2, which regards an object as a closed entity with one fixed role. On the other hand, OOD frameworks allow objects that play different Ò Ô×ÙÐ Ø ÒØ ÖÒ Ð ×ØÖÙ ØÙÖ Ú× Ð ÙÒ Ø ÓÒ× Fig. 2. Traditional view of an object. roles in different frameworks to be composed by composing OOD frameworks. In Catalysis, for instance, this is depicted in Figure 3.

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Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation: 9th International Workshop, LOPSTR’99, Venice, Italy, September 22-24, 1999 Selected Papers by Donald Sannella (auth.), Annalisa Bossi (eds.)

by Brian

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