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Download e-book for iPad: Leukocyte Typing II: Volume 3 Human Myeloid and by Ellis L. Reinherz, Barton F. Haynes, Lee M. Nadler, Irwin D.

By Ellis L. Reinherz, Barton F. Haynes, Lee M. Nadler, Irwin D. Bernstein

ISBN-10: 1461248507

ISBN-13: 9781461248507

ISBN-10: 1461293294

ISBN-13: 9781461293293

The second one foreign Workshop on Human Leukocyte Differentia tion Antigens used to be held in Boston, September 17-20, 1984. greater than 350 humans attracted to leukocyte differentiation agreed to replace reagents and perform this three way partnership. All in all, in way over four hundred antibodies directed opposed to floor constructions on T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes, and myeloid-hematopoietic stem cells have been characterised. as a result huge, immense volume of serologic, biochemical, and sensible facts, Leuko cyte Typing II has been divided into 3 volumes. those books signify the written result of workshop members. they need to be priceless to either researchers and clinicians eager about medical endeavors facing those large fields of immunobiology. to people who delve into a number of the sections of the volumes', it is going to develop into obvious that the paintings speaks for itself. i'm deeply indebted to the part editors, Barton F. Haynes, quantity 1, Human T Lymphocytes, Lee M. Nadler, quantity 2, Human B Lympho cytes, and Irwin D. Bernstein, quantity three, Human Myeloid and Hemato poietic Cells for his or her significant contributions in making plans, executing, and summarizing the workshop, in addition to council participants John Hansen, Laurence Boumsell, Walter Knapp, Andrew McMichael, Alain Bernard, Cesar Milstein, and Stuart F. Schlossman. i'd additionally wish to thank the nationwide Institutes of healthiness, global healthiness association, and Interna tional Union ofImmunological Societies for making this assembly attainable.

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Additional info for Leukocyte Typing II: Volume 3 Human Myeloid and Hematopoietic Cells

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T. G. Kr. von dem Borne, A. Hagemeyer, and D. Bootsma. 1983. Expression of human myeloid-associated surface antigens in human-mouse myeloid cell hybrids. Proc. Nat/. Acad. Sci. A. 80:3748. 6. T. Tetteroo, T. van Agthoven, R. Paulussen, J. van Dongen, A. G. Kr. von dem Borne. 1984. Localization of human myeloid-associated surface antigen detected by a panel of 20 monoclonal antibodies to the ql2-q ter region of chromosome II. J. , 133:1265. 7. A. C. Unkeless. 1982. Human neutrophil Fc receptor distribution and structure.

Group 21 This group of four antibodies mainly reacted with normal lymphocytes, but also reacted with ANLL cells, non-T ALL cells, and both lymphocytic and nonlymphocytic leukemic cell lines. Of note is the common reactivity of these antibodies with NK cells, which is further discussed in subsequent chapters in this volume. 12, M522) This group includes antibodies which have been shown to react with a I70/95-Kd heterodimer identified as the C3bi receptor (CR3) and previously defined as CD 11. These antibodies react with the majority of granulocytes and monocytes, and with subsets of lymphoid cells that were not fully characterized.

Consequently, the present grouping of monocytereactive antibodies was added to the previously defined and heterogenous CDwI4 provisional working grouping. Antibodies in the present workshop mainly react with monocytes, with each antibody recognizing between 75 and 90% ofmonocytes except Ki-Ml and CIM which recognized 55 and 31% of monocytes, respectively. One antibody, 5Fl, recognized 80% of monocytes and 89% of platelets, and has been reported to recognize an 85-Kd molecule. Thus, 5Fl is distinct from the other monocyte- 1.

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Leukocyte Typing II: Volume 3 Human Myeloid and Hematopoietic Cells by Ellis L. Reinherz, Barton F. Haynes, Lee M. Nadler, Irwin D. Bernstein

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