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Lectures on physics. Cumulative index by Feynman, Leyton, Sands. PDF

By Feynman, Leyton, Sands.

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This in turn led to his interest in photography, a topic also raised by Maurice. Once he had time, in retirement, Hagedorn learned to create his own color prints. He mentioned this to me, later I realized, as a warning. In September 1989—about 10–11 years after taking me, along with his wife and mine, on a long weekend trip to Le Chambon-Sur-Lignon—he had sent a set of A4 large prints from this event, which he was keen to tell me, he made himself. As Maurice Jacob ably describes Hagedorn liked photography, so there are many more pictures he could print besides the Le Chambon event, but he did not.

Gutbrod and Johann Rafelski, Plenum Press (New York 1995). With kind permission of © Plenum Press, New York, 1995. M. Jacob: (deceased) CERN-TH, 1211 Geneve 23, Switzerland J. Rafelski ( ) Department of Physics, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA © The Author(s) 2016 J. 1007/978-3-319-17545-4_3 27 28 M. Jacob Fig. 1 Maurice Jacob (in right of center back part of picture) flanked by Ms Jenny (Léon) Van Hove on his left, and by Ms Mary (John) Bell on his right, observes Hagedorn’s reaction to his 75th birthday gift, photo taken shortly before this address; CREDIT: CERN Photo 1994-06-067-018 many features of Indian life which were bringing a complicated mixture of great admiration and some of the times feelings of revulsion to our western eyes.

He has made several very important contributions: to particle and nuclear fields of research: The Hagedorn Temperature and the Statistical Bootstrap Model are concepts that are here to stay, and which have stimulated much further research. But Rolf Hagedorn is also a wonderful person and, saying that, does not require a specialist. 1 Personal Remarks Visit to India I first met Rolf Hagedorn (Fig. 1) in Madras in the fall of 1963. I had only seen him briefly earlier, and knew of him as a member of the CERN theory group.

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Lectures on physics. Cumulative index by Feynman, Leyton, Sands.

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