By P. Etinghof, et al.,
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New York: Wiley. Goode, W. J. " American Sociological Review 2 5 : 4 8 3 - 4 9 6 . , and J. " American Journal of Sociology 78:812-835. Heiss, J. " Pp. 9 4 - 1 2 9 in Morris Rosenberg and Ralph H. ), Social Psychology. New York: Basic Books. Hill, Reuben 1949 Families under Stress. : Greenwood Press. , K. Hein, J. House, S. Kasl, and A. " Pp. 8 1 - 1 1 7 in Glen R. ), Stress and Human Health. New York: Springer. Kaplan, H. , S. S. Martin, and C. " Journal of Health and Social Behavior 2 3 : 2 7 4 294.
1979) report similar unreliabilities for specific items on life-event scales. Estimates of internal consistency for life-event scales have been in the low-to-moderate range as well. Hurst, Jenkins, and Rose (1978) reported coefficient alphas for three different life-event scales, the Holmes-Rahe (Holmes and Rahe, 1967) Schedule of Recent Events, the Paykel et al. (1971) list, and their own list of 103 items. 53, respectively. 80 for the Holmes-Rahe scale, but their sample consisted of drug and alcohol patients only.
48 PEGGY A . THOITS Examining the distribution of reported events over time gives the investigator some idea of the reliability of recall. If recall is accurate, no significant decline in the average number of events reported from recent to more remote months should be found. Uhlenhuth et al. ( 1 9 7 7 ) found that respondents' reports of previous life events declined with time, falling off at a rate of about 5 % per month over an 18-month period. Significantly more events were reported to have occurred in recent months than in remote months.
Lects on Repr. Theory and Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov Eqns by P. Etinghof, et al.,
by David