By Professor Dr. Oliver Gassmann, Gerrit Reepmeyer, Professor Dr. Maximilian von Zedtwitz (auth.)
ISBN-10: 3540247815
ISBN-13: 9783540247814
ISBN-10: 3662122197
ISBN-13: 9783662122198
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This stage takes roughly six months, during which laboratory tests and clinical trials are evaluated on the basis of the documentation provided. During the third stage, Swissmedic analyzes the quality yet again, this time on the basis of samples of the medicinal product. Specialists carry out their own laboratory analyses. In addition, Swissmedic checks and amends the texts submitted as the information for professionals and patients (patient information leaflet). Even before applying for the entire authorization procedure, Swissmedic checks whether the clinical trials have been carried out according to the recognized principles of good clinical practice.
Out of those, the List of Proprietary Medicine contained 2'499 drugs in 6'502 different packaging units. 1 % were non-prescription drugs. 5% of all drugs not covered by the health insurance companies (see Fig. 25). Strict New Drug Registration The Swiss government is involved in the domestic pharmaceutical market in three different ways. First, in terms of actions regarding the drug's security and market accreditation. Second, in terms of price-regulation and, 1RQ3UHVFULSWLRQ GUXJV 1RW &RYHUHG E\ +HDOWK ,QVXUDQFH µ GUXJV &RYHUHG E\ +HDOWK ,QVXUDQFH µ GUXJV 3UHVFULSWLRQ µ GUXJV 46 Pharmaceutical Innovation: The Case of Switzerland Not only new drugs but all therapeutic products - including human and veterinary medicines and medical devices - are officially monitored by Swissmedic.
The prices in the Swiss pharmaceutical market had been regulated by the so-called margin-order. The margin-order determined the distribution network and set the margins for each product on each distribution stage. The intention was to compete on the quality of the drugs and not on price. By focusing on quality instead of price, this system was expected to be more in the interest of the Swiss population's overall health. It is important to understand that the margin-order did not set the prices but only the respective margins.
Leading Pharmaceutical Innovation: Trends and Drivers for Growth in the Pharmaceutical Industry by Professor Dr. Oliver Gassmann, Gerrit Reepmeyer, Professor Dr. Maximilian von Zedtwitz (auth.)
by Christopher